Chapter 11:

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I ran a finger through my hair. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe myself since, I wasn't sure if he was exactly a friend in my head. He has to be now! This is probably a sign. I looked on my phone for the time. I saw I only have 5 minutes left till math. I shoved my phone in my back pocket but, first I sneaked a text to Bailey. I asked her to meet me in the girl's bathroom. I walked down the hall towards the ladies room. I waited for Bailey to come in. I was checking my appearance in the mirror. Bailey walked in with her phone In her hand. " What's up girly?" She asked. " A lot" I murmered. I explained to her about the Italy trip so, she could get ready. " There's something on my mind" I said. I told her about the incident in the hallway and my feelings towards Austin. " I think tomorrow we should hang out. Figure this out over lunch" She suggested. " That sounds quite nice" I responded. We only had two minutes so, we hugged and said goodbye. I walked into my math class. I didn't know anyone in this class. I panicked and sat in the back. I turned to see who was sitting near me. I saw a gorgeous brown haired girl. Her blue eyes were beautiful. I felt a pang of jealousy. She turned to fully face me. Her hair went down to her mid-back. I recognized her from somewhere. There I was staring at the girl who kissed Austin in the hallway. Now I really felt wierd.

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