Chapter 18:

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* Next Day at school*

I walked up to my locker to start a brand new day. Bailey was already there. " Remember the shopping trip. We need to get dresses for tomorrow night's party. You need a dress to impress Austin and Josh" Bailey said. " Yes, we can walk to the mall together. I'm not trying to impress anyone" I replied. " oh really?" She questioned. " Yes really" I stated. We both laughed and put away our backpacks. We both grabbed books for our first class. I walked to the homeroom door. Austin was there snogging Savannah. Lovely! I decided to take a little detour. I walked back to my locker. Its best I hang out there till the last minute. I noticed another note on my locker. I'm sick of these. I opened it to see who it was from. Phew! It was from Lauryn. " You can come to dinner with me and a group of friends. tomorrow before the party" Was what the note said. That sounds nice but, I probably need a date. UGH! Why is life so annoying! I walked to the homeroom again. Savannah is gone! I waved at Austin and he casually strolled over. " Hey. How was practice last night?" He asked. " Um........ I didn't have practice" I said confusingly. " But, you left my house for practice" He acknowledged. " Oh. Yesterday I had practice! I am so tired from yesterday. I forgot" I said laughing it off. That was awkward so, I had an idea. I causally let my books drop. I acidently fell forward in the process. " Ouch" I said with a stinging ankle. " Are you ok? Your ankles been fine the past few days" He added. " No. Remember yesterday? I fell and you carried me home" I acknowledged. " No, I didn't see you yesterday after you left. Crap! That was Josh. " Um.....oops. ... that was my dad. I fell when walking up the stairs. He carried me too my room" I responded. Luckily, he helped me up and grabbed my books. The teacher opened the door and we walked inside. * Later in civics* " Is your ankle feeling better?" Josh asked. " Yeah" I answered. " But, You fell this morning" Austin added. " Did you go home and rest yesterday?" Josh asked. " Yeah" I said. " Well, she went to my place and then had practice" Austin acknowledged. " He meant after practice" I told Austin. " I went right to bed when I got home." I told Josh. " I took you home at 8. You got a lot of rest" Josh answered. " Well I was at the park sitting for a while" I said. " I thought gymnastics practice was a few hours" Austin added. " If you sat at the park so long, you couldn't have also went to gymnastics. Hey! Your gyms the opposite direction that you went" Austin realized. " You didn't go to gym" Josh said. " No I didn't." I confirmed. " You lied!" Austin yelled. " Maybe I did. You invited a girl to help plan a stupid date with your girlfriend Austin! Do you not know how wierd and awkward that was? Me planning your girlfriends date!You tried to kiss me! Everything was happening so fast. I panicked" I shouted. Josh gave Austin an angry look. " I didn't know how you felt" Austin said.

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