Chapter 2: A helping hand shows a loving heart

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Late September, 1892, Hogwarts, in front of Slytherin's entrance.

As the first rays of the sun began slowly to show and warm up the cold walls of the castle, Maya was already awake, ready for her day to start.

This morning, the Ravenclaw decided to make a little surprise to Sebastian and to wait for him at the entrance of his dormitory. Walking down the stairs to go there, she was smiling, full of hope that her surprise would light up his day since he seemed to avoid any contact lately. Usually, the freckled boy only acts like this when something wrong is going on but this time she couldn't guess the reason why.

As she arrived, Maya waited patiently, her back against a brick pillar, reading a pocket book she always had with her just in case. A giant snake slithered on the grey wall, allowing a door to appear as someone walked out of the Slytherin's common room.

Maya straightened and put her tiny book back into her robe as she thought it was Sallow who came out but she was mistaken, it was someone else.

"Hello beautiful, you were waiting for me?" Asked a honey haired boy with a flirtatious smile.

"Have we ever met?" were the first words that came out from her lips.

"I remember you, not only did you look at me at the sorting hat ceremony at the beginning of the year but we were sorted the same night when we were beginning as a fifth year! I don't think we have ever been able to talk. I'm Axel Drake." he said, extending his hand to her.

She didn't think of hearing this name but Derby, deep inside the Ravenclaw was still hoping for a chance she misunderstood his name. Her hand reached his for a shake. As their skin touched, their gaze instantly met, a weird feeling like electricity traveled her whole body and wondered if he felt it too. It took her a little moment to realize that she had to free his hand.

"Sorry... Well, I-I'm Maya Scamander, please to finally be able to put a name on you... But somehow... It feels like I know you... It's weird, I'm sorry." she replied.

"Maybe not that weird..." Axel said, coming closer to the girl as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Sorry to interrupt but this woman is engaged. I would ask you to put some distance between you and her Axel." Ominis said with irritation as he just arrived.

"Wait what?!" Maya asked with her eyes wide open in surprise.

"Oh... Really? Then I'm sorry but she hasn't said anything. All I did was innocent and her consent for I believe she can talk for herself." Drake retorted.

"Wait no!" she said to Axel before turning to Ominis. "Care to explain this madness Ominis?!" her tone was a mixed of irriation, anger and chock.

"I'm sorry you had to learned it that way Maya... I had plan something different to tell you about it... I... I went to professor Weasley this morning to ask your hand since she is the one in charge for your wellness and she agreed." Gaunt answered.

Maya's heart tightened as her lunges did. The air was running thin into her making it hard to breathe. A hand went on the pillar so she wouldn't fall as Axel helped her to maintain her balance.

"I know it seems obvious but you... Did you want this Maya?" The honey blond hair asked.

The redhead shook her head, she was far from wanting this and far from being well. Her hopes, her dreams, her world, everything was fading. Her eyes were filled of an ocean of fears as her cheeks were beaded with her tears.

"You have no right to be so close to her Drake, you barely even know her. Let her be, I'll take care of her." Ominis said.

"Are you insane? She is breathless, panicking and shocked because of you and you expect me to leave her alone with you? No way Ominis. I'll take care of her, you let her be." Axel retorted once more.

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