Chapter 16: We need to talk (Ominis/Sebastian)

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Ominis dragged the redhead away from everyone, furious that his fiancée misbehaved in front of everyone right after they have been officially engaged. The blind man brought her in a unfrequented corridor, pushed her against the wall and placed his hands on both side of her so Maya wouldn't be able to escape from him. 

"What did you have in that little brain of yours Maya? How could you do that to me? Just right after I asked you to be my wife!" Ominis shouted.

"Ominis..." the girl said, trying to talk when he cut her short.

"You will never behave like that again Maya. Do you understand?"

"I'm not one of your house elves you can command. I'm your fiancée!" she replied to the blind man. 

"My fiancée. My fiancée ! Yes, you are! And my wife in practice, if not yet by the law, so you will honour me!" he shouted once more with a very furious facial expression. "You will honor me the way a wife is required to honor a husband. Because I will not be made a fool Maya. Is this in any way unclear?"

Maya was too terrified to talk back, she muffled a 'no' as her whole body trembled. Some footsteps came their way at the very same moment, the girl was half relieved, thinking it would be someone who'll bring her some comfort. Little did she know that it wasn't.

"Ominis we have to talk." A freckled boy said as he arrived in the corridor, walking straight to the couple. 

"What do you want Sebastian?" Ominis asked with anger. 

The blond man was already pissed off, enough to not support anything from his friend but he freed Maya to face Sallow. The redhead didn't move, she watched the two men carefully as Seb approached Ominis close enough to whisper into his ear. 

"I have an idea to get rid of Axel Drake." 

"Let's discuss this elsewhere." Ominis replied. "Maya, you better go to your room for tonight, you did enough scancal for one night." 

After saying these words, Ominis left with Sebastian, leaving the redhead behind with the hope that she would obey to him. The two men went to the parlor and locked the door to be sure they won't be disturbed while talking about Sebastian's idea. Getting rid of the one who was causing Ominis so many problems was such an appealing idea and if he could do it then why not.

Sebastian went to sit on the couch in a pretty much relaxed position, confident on what he has to tell to blond boy while this one went on the armchair, leg crossed and his chin supported by his fingers as his elbow was on the chair.

"So Sebastian, go on, how do we get rid of him? I don't want him to die, at least not in the name of my family. I don't need a family war to be established between the Drake and Gaunt right now."

"How about a fake death? Let everyone believe he is, at least the people close to him and mostly Maya. We need her to believe it so you can finally have her do whatever you want without asking anything right?" The freckled boy said.

"Quite an appealing idea but I need to know more about it. What do you imply by fake death and what would we do with him afterwards? Moreover, this must be as discreet as possible and not a show off. No one shall know who is behind it." The blind boy said.

"We can poison him, there are poisons that, with the right amount, can make him look like he's death without actually killing him. We'll just have to 'steal' his body afterwards and bring him somewhere else, somewhere no one will search." Sebastian explained.

"Hhmmm... Interesting... Moreover I doubt any search will be done. Their father doesn't seem to really care about Axel, so far I could remember, it was all about Avril since she is the heiress. But just in case, it would be better to act while Mr. Drake will be on a trip. That way I will be sure that everything will go according to plan." Ominis added.

"Let me help you, I'm your best friend after all. You know I won't back down from a fight if needed. Moreover, if things go wrong I'll be the one to take the blame and not you. I owe you that after not sending me to Azkaban."

"Alright, but you better not mess this up, we won't have several chances. You might be the one who had the idea but I'll do the plan and you better follow it thoroughly." The blind boy told his best friend.

"Well... It's all for you so alright... I'll do whatever you tell me."

"But tell me Sebastian... You're not helping me without any motive, are you? What do you want from me?" He asked.

"Just a bit of help to try to get closer to Avril. I mean... I clearly can't get nearer Maya since you two are engaged... And I don't want a woman to be between us. Avril is engaged too but I know her and I can possibly make her fall again." The freckled boy explained.

"When will you learn Sebastian? You're not in love with any of them if you can switch so easily... But who am I to judge, I'm not in your brain or heart after all. I'll see what I can do, I will owe you that if we ever succeed to get Axel Drake out of the way between Maya and me."

"You won't regret it, I swear." Sebastian said.

"This must stay absolutely between us. I don't know how you'll find a place to keep Drake away or how you'll get that poison whatever it is but no witnesses, am I clear?" The blind man said with a strict voice.

"You have my word Ominis."

"Let's go back to the ball before our absence becomes suspicious."

With these words the two boys went back to the reception as if nothing happened, each one going their own way. No one knew that the boys went away except for Ominis to drag Maya away.

The Gaunts, Maya and Garreth were to stay in the mansion. Each one in their own guest room. Little did Ominis know that the redhead this night didn't intend to behave as her need to find Axel back was too important to not succumb to it.

Ominis Gaunt

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Ominis Gaunt

Sebastian Sallow

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Sebastian Sallow


Axel Drake, the visuals for Ominis and Sebastian created and owned by jlilyjensen03

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