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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜰᴏᴜʀᴛᴇᴇɴ

"Ow! Be gentle."

"Quit moving then!"

Jaehyun softly chuckled at the banter between his best friends. It was the morning after the tracer's unsuccessful attempt at claiming her bounties and the atmosphere was remarkably lighter than the previous night's tension.

Trinity, with a focused yet caring expression, was delicately cleaning up Yuta's face from the remnants of yesterday's altercation. The air was filled with the soft scent of antiseptic, and the blood that had dripped from Yuta's forehead was now cleaned and disinfected, leaving behind only a faint trace of the ordeal they had all endured.

Yuta winced slightly as the disinfectant stung, but his trust in his friend allowed him to endure the discomfort without complaint. Jaehyun watched them with a heartwarming sense of gratitude, appreciating the bond that had been strengthened through their shared trials.

"Trin," The Blue called, causing the girl to glance up at him in curiosity. His expression held a mixture of appreciation and admiration, and he continued, "You saved us yesterday."

Trinity's eyes met his, and a hint of a grateful smile touched her lips. "It was the least I could do," she replied with a modest humility that was characteristic of her.

"Yeah. Your mind control powers are so badass! I was in awe," Yuta chimed in, his voice filled with enthusiasm and a touch of hero-worship.

Trinity's cheeks reddened at the praise, and she looked away modestly.

"My powers reacted faster than I did, to be honest," Trinity admitted, her humility shining through even as she acknowledged her extraordinary abilities, "but I'm glad we all made it out."

Silence ensued between the trio as Trinity finished cleaning up her friend's injury. Yuta then excused himself moments later, muttering something about finding a spot to ease himself, leaving the lovesick teens alone.

Jaehyun moved immediately, sitting beside the pastel-haired teen and taking her hands in his. "I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to protect you."

The girl was touched, but she teasingly replied, "Shouldn't you be apologizing to Yuta?"

The Blue chuckled with a small shake of his head, holding onto her hand a little tighter. "I'm serious... My heart nearly stopped when you got hit. I was gonna help, but the only ringing in my ears was that damn frequency."

Trinity released one of her hands from his grip and gently placed it on his cheek. She lifted his face so they were locked in an intense gaze, her eyes searching his dark-brown orbs for any hint of doubt or guilt.

"It's okay, Jae. I don't blame you at all," she reassured him sincerely. "I should have been more cautious of my surroundings. I mean, we're kinda on the run for crying out loud."

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