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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱɪxᴛᴇᴇɴ

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱɪxᴛᴇᴇɴ

The East River evening enveloped them with its crispness, the very breath of it a refreshing embrace. A lively blend of music, pumped out by powerful speakers, filled the air, providing a pulsating sound to the scene. In the midst of the celebration, kids of all ages swayed and twirled on the improvised dance floor.

Jaehyun and Trinity found themselves stationed beside a crackling bonfire. It was The Slip Kid who had set the stage for the festive occasion. The event not only marked the arrival of the psionic trio but also celebrated the continued growth of their haven.

Trinity's eyes were filled with a wonder as she began, "Wow." Her gaze swept over the ethereal scene, where floating lanterns created a mesmerizing spectacle of dancing lights. "I feel like I'm in Hogwarts."

Her observation elicited a quick, amused chuckle from the male beside her. He hummed thoughtfully as he recalled their shared love with the world of Hogwarts. It had been a chance discovery, the trio stumbling upon the show filled with magic and fantasy.

"That would make you Ginny, right?" Jaehyun gazed down at Trinity with a tender expression, his smile reflecting his playful charm. He couldn't help but appreciate how she tilted her head, resembling a confused puppy, as if the idea of this comparison had caught her off guard. "And me... Harry. Hmm?"

His mission was to get a reaction from Trinity, and it seemed to be working as she smiled widely, her realization dawning that there was a flirtatious undertone to his words.

Her giggles were like music to his ears, and she threw her head back, sharing in the light-hearted moment. Once she composed herself, she gazed up at him through her thick lashes, hazel eyes sparkling with warmth and affection.

"You know what?" Trinity continued, her voice soft and sincere. "I like them together."

Jaehyun let out a relieved breath, his heart fluttering with hope. She had essentially endorsed his advances, and now he knew that the path was clear to express his feelings to the girl he had grown to love.

"We should dance," Her crush suggested, a playful glint in his eyes.

Trinity, momentarily taken aback, had to do a double take, surprised by what she was hearing. "No," she replied, though her tone held a touch of humor, not wanting to give in too easily.

"Yeah," Jaehyun affirmed.

Their playful banter continued for a few more seconds, a delightful exchange of words and glances that seemed to last much longer than it actually did. However, eventually, Jaehyun sighed in feigned annoyance and, with an exaggerated flourish, mimicked the act of twirling an invisible rope before dramatically hurling it in Trinity's direction.

Her laughter echoed in the night as she was carefully lifted from her seat and into the arms of the boy she adored with her whole heart.

Jaehyun's hands found Trinity's, and he carefully guided them to rest on his shoulders. As their bodies came closer together, his hands gently descended to her hips. The background noise of the celebration slowly faded, and for that moment, it felt as though they were the only two souls amid the vast field.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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