Chapter 2: A Midroll Flight On A Dangerous Night

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*Future Y/n's pov*

I flew over the brightly lit and colorful city that I hadn't seen in 24 years.

Well, I had seen it, but not like this.

Last time I'd been here it wasn't so...

It had more of a heaps-of-ash-and-rubble kinda vibe.

The cold air brushed against my feathers as I flew. The cold air stinging my face slightly. I blinked at the wind in my face, trying to stay focused.

I remember I had always dreamed of flying above the city when I was young. The people looking like ants below, the skyscrapers acting as my trees, swooping through the city, maybe scaring a few pedestrians, stealing a kid's ice cream cone.

But I guess dreams change.

Now all I wanted to do was find Casey, which was quite hard as the night went on.

I guess I'd forgotten how busy the "city that never sleeps" was.

It was almost like nothing's changed at all. Like all those horrible days just fell away into nothingness, there was no war, we didn't lose the city that we loved, I didn't lose my family.

If I closed my eyes I could almost hear the boys running along the rooftops below me, shouting and laughing together, telling stupid jokes at the worst times possible, arguing and making each other laugh when things got a little too real.

But they weren't here.
Not anymore.

I sighed. My mask came down over my eyes, filling my vision with a dark green color. A crackling, almost creepy chime rang into my ear piece.

"Y/n- ...- help you?" I could barely make out LASS's (or the Lair's Automated Security System) voice nowadays. Without Donatello's constant updates and adjustments to the code, the equipment, everything, started fizzling and getting worse.

I tried doing the best I could to fix our gear. But I'm not Donatello.

I could fix most of the physical stuff, and the wiring, if I had the manual for it. But when it comes to code? Updates and patches? AI? I'm useless. I tried learning but I just couldn't.

Not without him there to teach me.

I guess we always assumed he'd be around.

"I uh-" my voice cracked, I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to get back on task, "I need a map of old New York, before the Krang."

Just like that a tiny map appears in the corner of my vision on the screen, an arrow marker appearing where I am currently.

"You are-... -signs of distress." Lass spoke up. Damn Donatello and his stubbornness to make sure I'm okay, even after death. My talons clenched shakily.

"It's okay Lass. I- I just miss Donatello." I took a deep breath, and before Lass could respond I continued, "Could you- um- bring up the uh tracker locations on the map please?" I asked shakily. Letting myself fly instinctively between buildings.

Suddenly, my marker is blinking a silver color, since I have my own tracker. And then I see it, a green tracker marker blinking in the corner of my map. Casey.

"Zoom out on the map please." And the map zoomed out.

"Why is he at April's old college?" I muttered to myself. Well, I guess it wouldn't be April's old college in this timeline..


He's looking for them.

I immediately turned and headed in the direction of the college, flapping my wings steadily faster so I could catch up to him.

Maybe I'll be able to stop him before he eventually ends up scarring her, and getting knocked out by her reflexes.

He was a nice kid, but sometimes didn't think things through.

Like how these people don't actually know him.

Author here!
Chapter 3 is written, but sadly I'm having some technical difficulties with Wattpad. It will be put out as soon as possible :)

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