Chapter 9: Reasonably Confident

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Buildings and Bridges fall as the Technodrome releases Metro Tower from its grip and pushes itself higher into the New York City skyline. The Technodrome releases projectiles from itself into the city, turning the hit vehicles into Krang zombies. The vehicle Krang zombies turn and attack and kill the military soldiers as fire sweeps through New York City. The military fires several missiles at the Technodrome, but they are all destroyed by the Technodrome's laser before they can strike. April, Casey, Donnie, Leo, Mikey, Splinter, and the two Y/n's watch the destruction from a rooftop.

"What do we do now?" Mikey asks quietly.

"I fear we have lost. The Krang are too powerful." Splinter said, crestfallen.

"Maybe we could change the future some other way?" Mikey says desperately looking around to the group.

"Guys, it's time to face facts. We can't change the future." Casey said sullenly, grabbing onto one of F/Y/n's metal hands, who squeezed his hand back slightly.

"Says who?"

"Says the grandfather paradox, says physical determinism, says the space time continuum. Look, I didn't want it to be true but... science." Donnie stated, obviously deflated.

Suddenly an idea popped into Leo's head. "That's it! Donnie's wrong!" Leo declared, pointing to Donnie dramatically. 

"The world is ending, yet the barbs continue." Donnie says while crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.

"Don't you remember? We already did change the future! Raph never got kidnapped and turned into a Krang zombie in your time, right?" Leo said, looking towards Casey and F/Y/n.

"No, no he didn't." F/Y/n stated, shaking their head, Casey looking hopeful again.

"That means we did change the future! We're just a different, uhh..." Leo stammered, waving his hands in a circle motion.

"Bifurcated time branch?" Donnie finished, raising an eyebrow. 

"Yes, yes, yes, that nerd thing. You know what that means, right? We still have hope!" Leo says excitedly.

"A ninja's greatest weapon." Casey remembers, F/Y/n smiling fondly at him when he says this.

"Hey, I like that! Look, I'm done thinking I have all the answers. I don't know how to beat the Krang, but I do know our future isn't written until we write it as a team. So, what do we got?" Leo implored, looking to his team.

"Maybe.. Maybe we don't have to beat them?" April began, her brows furrowed in concentration.

"Yeah! Can't we just send them back to the prison dimension?" Y/n finished excitedly.

"There's an idea! Donnie, what do those big, beautiful eyebrows have to say?" Leo questioned, turning to his brother.

"If we got control of their ship, perhaps we could send it back to the portal!" Donnie pondered. 

"Yes! Yes! Now we're cooking. Who else?" Leo said, turning to the rest of the group.

"If someone on the ground can get to that Key.." Casey started.

"We can close the doorway!" Splinter continued.

"And then bye-bye Krang forever, baby!" Mikey says excitedly.

"Exactly. What do you say, Donnie? You ready to fly a spaceship?" Leo asked, turning to his brother with a grin.

"Literally the greatest question I have ever been asked." Donnie said seriously.

"Alright, team, looks like we have a plan. Let's go save the world!" Leo declared with a grinned.

"Wait, but what about Raph?" Mikey questioned, the whole group falling silent. Leo put a hand on his little brother's shoulder.

"That big jerk may be covered in goo and half-alien, but he's still our brother. And I'm not giving up on him. I'm not going to leave him behind." Leo said confidently, giving his brother a reassuring smile.

The group split off, April, Splinter, Casey, and F/Y/n being the ground team, while Y/n and the three brothers were going onto the Technodrome. Before they could head out Leo pulled Y/n to the side.

"Hey, um," Leo stammered, rubbing the back of his neck and averting his eyes, "I just wanted to apologize for...earlier today." 

Y/n put a hand on his arm and he finally met their gaze, "Leo, it's okay, seriously. I get where you were coming from, but just... try not to take your own issues or frustrations out on us, okay?"

Leo chuckled, smiling nervously, "Yeah that wasn't my best moment."

"You can say that again." Y/n laughed, pulling Leo into a quick hug, "Now, let's go save the world." 

(A/N: Shorter chapter this time around, mostly because I didn't know how else to splice up the ending chapter(s) lol )

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