________________________________________________________________________________Rishabh and Ishaan threw things at each other, calling it fielding practice. Shubman had been in the bathroom for about one hour, just gel-ing his hair and fixing anything he thought didn't look good. He wanted to look the best for the day. Rishabh and Ishaan nodded at each other, raising their eyebrows, having their own silent conversation.
"Bhai kaha ja rha hai tu? Aisa lag rha hai jaise koi dulhan saj rhi ho." Ishan said while Rishabh whistled.
"Teri bhabhi k sath ghumne." He winked at his friends.
"Kya hum aquarium chale?" Shubman asked excitedly. Akanksha drove them to the AQWA aquarium. Akanksha made sure he had all the fun he could. She commented on every single fish letting him know what she thought of each fish, including the comments that would probably make the fish cry.
Of course she didn't like fishes but she made sure to make it very obvious. Shubman watched as she made different expressions at different fishes. He could see the effort she made so Shubman would enjoy his time. Again and again she hopped out of her comfort zone to make him comfortable, while he did everything he could to make her comfortable even outside her comfort zone. Like agreeing with her when she said she disliked one of the fishes or asking her why she didn't like the fish, so she didn't feel like she was just talking and not being heard. He made sure that he contributed to making that day one of the best in her life. And he did.
"I hate snakes more than anything else in the world." She said scrunching up her face completely as she moved away from the sea snake tank. Shubman followed behind her with his hands behind his back.
"Accha? Kyu?" She looked back and pouted at him when he didn't agree with her. "Unme, like karne wali baat hi kya hai?" Shubman looked around for answers.
"I mean, they're cute when they're small." He shrugged, she squinted her eyes at him.
"Everyone and everything is cute when they're small, even cockroaches." He took a step closer to her, crossing his arms.
"Tumhari phat ti hai na?" She went still, hesitating about what to say. She hadn't expected him to call her out like that. She ignored her thoughts and crossed her arm, taking a step forward too.
"Haan toh? Tumhari nhi phat ti kya?" Shubman's first thought was how adorable she looked with her puffed out cheeks and squinted eyes.
"Nhi, kisne bola? Mai kisi se nhi darta." She turned around and just walked forward, he still followed her, right on her heels.
She then drove to the train station parking her car before taking the train to their next spot. The Royal Perth Show.
It was a highly loved and celebrated event. Most people in Perth went there for at least one day. The train was packed with people holding different bags that said "The Royal Show". Shubman felt great intrigue about the show, never having come there in September, he had never been there.
"IPL ki tarah grand toh nhi hoga, but it's amazing." The train stopped as everyone got off at the same time. The whole sea of people walked in the same direction, Akanksha looked up at Shubman to check that, one, he was still there, two, he was still wearing his mask. She extended her hand, reaching out and pinching a bit of his hoodie in case they got separated.
"Woh...bheed bohot hai toh..." She whispered, trying to justify her act. Shubman gently pulled her fingers away from his sleeves. She felt embarrassed that she had held his sleeves when he wasn't comfortable. So embarrassed she wanted to die in a hole. Her eyes widened and face flushed red.
"I'm sorry woh-" He held her small hand in his, tightly but without hurting her. "Itni bheed hai na, toh, agar dhakka lag gya, tumhara haat asani se choot jata. Aur mujhe toh hotel kaise jana hai, pata hi nhi." He scratched his scalp awkwardly. Akanksha shyly looked down at the floor and continued walking. Having his hand warm hers greatly helped calm her embarrassment but not her racing heart.
She purchased two tickets for the show and they made their way in.
"The Royal show is supposed to be about teaching people about Australia's agriculture and stuff, par bohot kam log yaha uske liye aate hai." She explained, taking him through the agriculture related places first. The cows, sheeps, horses and many other animals. They walked to the different rides, some horrifying, both of them screamed like crazy and laughed about it later and how they will never do it again, the whole ride they gripped each other's hand like their life depended on it.
They went through the haunted houses together since there were more than one. They both confessed later about how they almost shit their pants in one of the haunted houses where they jumped onto each other screaming and hugging. They played the bumpy car ride mainly aiming for each other and laughing like crazy when they did manage to hit each other. They ate from different food trucks when they felt like it. Akanksha strictly forbade Shubman from playing any of the "award winning" games, saying it was all a scam. But he didn't listen and when she had gone to the washroom played a few games and won a few too. He gave her 2 massive stuffed toys and 3 small ones. She smiled while shaking her head. She found that act of his to be quite adorable.
They took many photos, together and by themselves. When they were together they looked nowhere but towards each other. When they were taking each other's photos...they only looked at the photographer. A gentle and effortless smile on their faces.
And finally came the time of the night, the limelight of the Royal Perth Show. Many amazing bikes, bicycles, monster trucks and many other stunts, but the truth was...Akanksha was the only one actually watching the show. Shubman was preoccupied with watching her excited eyes as they followed the vehicles doing the stunts.
People started filling all around them as it only got darker and colder but it also got better. There were parades, hoop stunts, dances and amazing light and sound shows. There was also a drone show and the best fireworks Shubman had ever seen but it didn't bring him as much joy as it did seeing her grinning from ear to ear and singing along with the songs being played. He could visibly see just how happy singing made her. But she had seemed to have given up on it. She looked at him with confusion and when she realised he was staring she quietened until she stopped singing altogether.
Shubman felt horrible for making her stop singing...so he did what he could...he sang the song even though he didn't fully know the lyrics. Akanksha laughed and sang the song simply to fix his mistake but ended up singing the rest of the song as well. Throughout that, they kept looking at each other...until the fireworks exploded behind them snapping them out of it.
"Hume ab jana chaiye, warna bohot bheed hogi." Shubman nodded, grabbing her hand as to not lose her, but also, simply because he wanted to. When the fireworks ended, they were already inside the train when people started filling in. Akanksha held 2 large stuffed animals while Shubman held the three small ones.
And so the story truly begins <33333

The Prince And The Commoner (Shubman Gill)
FanfictionHe is called The Prince of Indian Cricket...she's only just a commoner. They meet once, meet twice , even three times, but that's probably the last...they believe. Slowly but surely it happened what happens between a man and a woman he finds attra...