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A week later...

Jennie was not in the best mood: unpleasant events fell on her together and at once. It all started with a fashion show. Not only did one of the most popular models refuse to cooperate with the magazine, but also Jisoo... damn her...

-We need to find this brunette! She's a sensation! After the Louis Evanesco show, our competitors received hundreds of orders for this funny T-shirt that she was wearing. They earned hundreds of thousands of dollars in a week... - Jennie sipped from a glass of champagne, eavesdropping on the conversation between the director of the magazine and the main sponsor of the show, John Flintown.

John handed the last issue of Cosmopolitan magazine to a friend, and Jennie involuntarily glanced at the cover with an interested look.

-Jisoo?!- The girl almost choked on champagne, intercepting the magazine.

-So you know each other?- John raised an eyebrow in surprise, looking at the shocked face of the editor-in-chief.

-Of course, this is our journalist.

-That's wonderful!- John threw up his hands emotionally, putting his arm around Jennie's waist.- Can you arrange a meeting for us?

Jennie glanced at the message she had read a minute ago.

Jisoo: I'm quitting!

-I'll try to think of something.- The girl squeezed out through a casual smile.

The flight was even more disgusting, because by an obviously unlucky accident, an elderly lady was sitting next door to Jennie, who not only smelled like a distillery, but also snored loudly, mournfully, from which loud music and vacuum headphones did not even save her. A sleeping pill came to the rescue, which, although it did not work immediately, still helped to survive this nightmare, but not for long. Jennie woke up because she felt something slippery on her cheek. It was saliva. Ew.... It turned out that during sleep Kim had settled down well on the shoulder of this very old lady, who in retaliation put her head on hers.... Restraining the urge to vomit, the girl washed off this "misunderstanding" in the toilet and was more vigilant for the remaining half of the flight. Hence the lack of sleep and huge bruises under the eyes.

At the airport, a new trouble was waiting for her... her luggage... the luggage was magically lost in the luggage compartment. A black leather suitcase containing everything from cash and a couple of credit cards, a flash drive from the exhibition and to a passport and license. Jennie wanted to cry from such injustice, but she held on, because after the bad always comes the good, right? She scraped the last couple of cents out of her jacket pocket and dropped them into the coffee machine. It buzzed disgustingly, giving off a throbbing pain in the girl's temples, and instantly died down.

-Come on!!!- Jennie slammed her palm against the panel of the device, surprised at her extreme bad luck.

-I would ask you, miss... - The guard looked menacingly at the confused girl and walked past.

-Damn you!

The device is working. The brown-haired girl exhaled with relief and bent down to pick up her coffee and go to the waiting room, where she finally waited for her luggage, but.... This was clearly a sign of the beginning ... The black liquid splashed like a fountain on Jennie's beige jacket, instantly absorbing and leaving caustic stains. The thing was completely and irrevocably ruined.

Taking a deep breath and counting to ten, Kim walked fatally into the waiting room. She dialed the secretary's number, but, as luck would have it, she did not answer the call. After a couple of hours of agonizing waiting, Jennie still got her things back. It seemed that the troubles were over... But it only seemed so. Her car... There was a void in the place where the girl left the car.

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