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The fact that the night did not go the way Jennie originally planned, everyone has probably guessed already. Firstly, it was a little creepy to be alone in an empty office, neither the light turned on in the editor-in-chief's office, nor the laptop playing the same playlist for endless times, which the girl downloaded a long time ago for nothing to do, saved her. Secondly, despite the fact that a guard was on duty somewhere on the ground floor, it did not become calmer, especially after watching the movie. In general, the girl was not one of the timid ones, she clearly determined for herself even before watching the movie "Drag me to HELL" that everything was fiction in the film, and in real life this definitely could not happen, however, she noted for herself that it would be worth changing the fluorescent lamps in her office from-due to the fact that they occasionally crackled unpleasantly and periodically blinked. Nothing supernatural, just small voltage drops or outgoing contacts at the lamps...

As luck would have it, it started raining in the middle of the night. Large drops rattled noisily through the window, awakening in the soul of the editor-in-chief melancholy and some incomprehensible excitement mixed with a shaky feeling of fear surging with every gust of wind.Kim gets comfortable in her chair with the idea of trying to fall asleep, she even closes her eyes for a couple of seconds, but... everything is somehow damn uncomfortable, her limbs begin to go numb and her ass aches. The girl throws her legs on the table, but it doesn't save her for long, after a couple of minutes these unpleasant sensations appear again. Then Jennie decides to lie down. She puts a stack of A4 paper under her head and settles comfortably on her desktop. It seems to be nothing so... But suddenly... thunder and lightning...

Jennie takes a deep breath, opening her eyes with each bright flash of lightning, which could clearly be seen through the window, since the office was practically at the very top of the skyscraper. Everything would be fine if, on top of everything, there was no thunder. However, with each thunderclap, Jennie's heart sank into her heels... In the end, after emptying almost the entire cooler with hot water and drinking an unknown cup of coffee, the girl stayed cheerful until 7 o'clock in the morning, survived a thunderstorm, turned off the light in the office due to voltage fluctuations, and finally waited for Rachel's arrival.

-Miss?- The secretary raises an eyebrow in surprise, looking at the slightly shabby boss in a tracksuit.- You're early today...

Jennie nods in confusion, rummaging in her pocket and fishing out an already dried, but crumpled bill in the amount of twenty bucks.

-Rachel, would you be kind enough to buy some garbage for breakfast... a cheeseburger, for example... - Kim asks confusedly, hiding a tired sleepy look to the side.

-I don't mind... - The secretary calmly answers, waving away the money held out.- Coffee or something?

-Honestly? I wouldn't mind a drink right now... - The brown-haired girl jokes.- Please make sure that no one bothers me for the next three hours... I didn't sleep well last night, I would like to take a break...

-Okay- The blonde nods approvingly and, putting her purse on her desk, goes to do the boss's errand.

After breakfast, Jennie tried to work a little, but then she was overtaken by a long-awaited sound sleep...


Jisoo was heading to the office, humming to herself some song that had been playing on the radio a few minutes ago from the speakers of her brand-new bright red Mitsubishi. It was cool to visit my hometown after such a stunning success. The girl was especially amused by the reaction of friends who were more willing to contact her, wrote, called, sent funny pictures on Facebook and simply imposed their communication on her. From here, the brunette concluded for herself that it was cool to be popular. What can she say about pretty girls, whom it was now easier for her to take off for the night. But... despite the extensive and increased attention to her person, Jisoo did not use it. Only one person has been living in my head and in my heart for three months now.

The Devil can't stand Prada[JENSOO]Where stories live. Discover now