1. Separated

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"What"-> Speaking


"WHAT"-> Screaming


"What"-> Whispering

Chapter 1

3rd POV

In a cabin deep in the woods of Sanus there is a little girl who is asleep in her bed in the dead of night. She has Black hair that ends with red tips She has silver eyes and is 3 '1. Who is this girl? Some might ask well this little girl is none other than the 4-year-old Summer Rose who is blissfully unaware of what is to come. While Summer is sleeping her parents who are in the living room talking about something Concerning let's listen in why don't we.

"So what is this thing you panicked so much about?" said Summers's Father, who is named Alder.

"I have heard that someone has been asking about people who live in the woods that have silver eyes," said Summers's mother, whose name is Sylvie.

"And because of that you believe they are part of the group who hunts silver-eyed warriors is that right" said Alder

"What other reason do they have to ask about us from what I heard the People that were asking about us looked very dangerous" said Sylvie

"We should-"Alder Started but he stopped himself for both he and Sylvie just sensed many Grimm approaching their house alongside two unknown individuals.

Quickly the two went to wake their children with Sylvie barging into Summer's room which woke up Summer.

Summer jolts awake, her small body sitting up in bed, confused and scared. Her silver eyes look up at her mother, seeking comfort, but Sylvie's expression is one of urgency.

"Come, sweety, quickly" Sylvie urges, picking up Summer and setting her on the ground, the little girl still in her pale purple pajamas.

Summer walked up to Sylvie Saying "Why Mommy"

"Because it's no longer safe here Summer."said Sylvie as they quickly went to another room Which they barged into waking up a young 7-year-old boy with silver eyes and black hair with red tips. He was about 4 '1. This is Summer's older Brother Crimson Rose.

"What is going on" said Crimson tiredly

"We are leaving Brother" said Summer as she quickly followed her mother as Sylvie went to get some supplies Crimson was hot on Summer's heels. As they were about to leave but then someone swung at Summer but this swing was blocked by Sylvie's arm which caused red glow to surround her arm. Sylvie then twisted the blade using the brace and proceeded to kick the person in the ass, sending them back into the room they just came from. Sylvie then quickly throws the supplies at Crimson and tells Summer and Crimson to run while she holds the attacker off Crimson grabs Summer and then goes to leave through the back door.

Crimson's POV

As I ran with Summer in one hand and the supplies in the other I eventually got outside where it was drizzling. Summer kept trying to break my hold on her as she wanted to go back to Mom but Mom was busy and I needed to calm Summer down.

Crimson: "Summer we need to go."

Summer: "Not without Mommy."

I was about to respond when the back wall exploded with some debris hitting Summer knocking her unconscious then Mom came out of the hole in the wall and saw us still here.

Sylvie: "I thought I told you two to leave."

Crimson: "Summer wouldn't leave without you."

Sylvie: "Well now she shouldn't give much of an argument, now take this time to leave and promise me that you will look after each other."

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