11. Arrival

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What---> Speaking


WHAT---> Screaming


What---> Whispering

Chapter 11

Summer's POV 

I saw my brother stumble onto the airship covered in blood. At first I was horrified but the instant he started to fall I was scared for him.

Summer: CRIMSON! *I ran up to him and started to shake him* WAKE UP PLEASE! *(I can't lose my Brother. He promised that he wouldn't leave me when we are so close to getting to Vale.) Tears started to fall from my eyes* PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME BY MYSELF!

Then I heard from Raye from the front.

Raye: Hey Summer he will be okay but first I need you to do something that you might not like.

Summer: Wh-wh-what?

Raye: I need you to look over your brother for any cuts or holes. Can you do that?

Summer: Okay.

I wiped my tears and then looked at his back as he landed on his face. I didn't see any cuts or holes in his clothes so I flipped him onto his back and looked over his front and I still didn't see anything.

Raye: Do you see anything?

Summer: No.

Raye: Okay does your brother have a scroll on him?

Summer: Yes, why?

Raye: Because it can show us his aura level.

I looked through his pockets before I found his scroll. I pulled it out and looked at his aura level.

Summer: I got it!

Raye: Okay I now need you to look at his aura level if it is slowly rising he is fine if it is struggling to rise he is injured somewhere inside if its not moving at all well lets not think about that.

I did as I was instructed and I tried to calm myself down as I saw his aura levels slowly rising.

Summer: It is rising.

Raye: Then he simply passed out from exhaustion and should be fine not. Now how about getting some rest because this is going to be a long flight.

Summer: Yeah that sounds like a good idea.

I then go over to the seats and lay myself across two of them.

Summer: Hey Raye?

Raye: What's up?

Summer: Thank you for taking us to Vale.

Raye: No problem.

3rd POV


"Hello?" Crimson asked into the darkness surrounding him. What he didn't expect was a response.

"What a surprise we weren't expecting to see you this soon!" A raspy voice that belonged to a man rang out from the darkness.

"It is too early, there is no reason he should be here!" This time the voice while still raspy was distinctly a woman's voice and also came from the darkness.

"To take a life while so young!" This voice sounds similar to the first but it had a certain twang to it.

"Who is to say he had a choice!" Very similar to the first and third voices as it also belonged to a man.

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