4. Crimson's Training

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"What"-> Speaking


"WHAT"-> Screaming


"What"-> Whispering

Chapter 4

Crimson's POV

I was sleeping peacefully until someone threw my sleeping bag with me in it, waking me up immediately. I looked around only to find Raj, he was giving a look that promised an unknown sort of pain and as I got up he spoke.

Raj: "So are you ready"

Crimson: "Yes sir"

As I got up to get ready I looked over at Summer.

Crimson: "Be back soon"

As we left the resting grounds I noticed that we were heading back to his tent.

Crimson: "So what are you going train me to do today"

He doesn't give a response, instead he just walks into his tent for about thirty seconds before coming back out not with a weapon but a second scroll which he hands to me and then proceeds to walk off again. As I take off to follow him I wonder why he didn't have a weapon on him. Maybe he didn't need one or he does have one and I just can't see it. But before I could ask him about it we arrived at our destination which appeared to be some type of a stand he then turned and addressed me.

Raj: "For the next hour you are to take down requests from our members and type out what they ordered on the scroll that I gave you"

Crimson: "Wait how is this supposed to help me"

Raj: "I told some of them to lie to you and it is up to you to discover who is lying"

Crimson: "Wait what, I thought you were supposed to train me how to be a better fighter"

Raj: "I am, well then have fun"

He then proceeds to walk away as a guild member walks up to the stand.

Ginkgo Guild Member #1: "Hello I need a new Scroll this one is broken"

As I quickly type 1x Scroll onto my scroll.

Ginkgo Guild Member #2: "I need two tents

I type out 2x tents onto my scroll.


It had been about an hour since I started and I realized how painful being bored was, it was horrible.

Raj: "You have failed, of the thirty-seven members, eight of them have deceived you"

I jumped out of my skin in surprise at his sudden presence but I quickly collected myself

Crimson: "Am I done, sir?"

Raj: "For now, go get something to eat and I believe your sister is looking for you"

I then go to the Makeshift Cafeteria to find Summer waving at me excitedly. So I make my way over to her after I get my meal and sit down next to her.

Summer: "Good morning Brother"

Crimson: "Good morning Sum"

Summer: "Where were you, you were gone when I woke up"

Crimson: "I was busy doing some training with their leader"

Summer: "Lucky"

Crimson: "I don't really feel lucky"

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