3. The Ginkgo Guild

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"What"-> Speaking


"WHAT"-> Screaming


"What"-> Whispering

Chapter 3

3rd POV

In the back of the carriage lies Crimson and Summer as they recover from that afternoon. Meanwhile in the front of the carriage Ginter and Tuli are conversing about the kids and what to do with them as there was a major problem.

"Are we really going to break the route just to drop off two kids?" Tuli said with her voice filled with annoyance

"We can't just leave debts unpaid Tuli you of all people should know that," said Ginter

"But we need to deliver the packages and orders we have in the next two months," said Tuli

"Then what do you suggest we do," said Ginter

"Don't the Firecloaks owe us a favor?" said Tuli

"Yeah but what in the world do the Firecloaks have to do with this," said Ginter

"Don't you see they go straight to Vacuo and our route intersects with their own. All we have to do is cash in the favor and make them take the kids to Vacuo" Tuli exclaimed

"Our routes do not intersect the graze each other but they don't intersect" Ginter stated

"What are you two talking about" asked a raspy voice that came from their left

While the two were talking a carriage pulled up on their left and at the helm was an old man probably in his late seventies. He had gray hair that covered his face. He had two green eyes and a decent size scar going from his chin down to left shoulder. This was their leader. His name is Raj.

"We picked up two kids they want us to take them to Vacuo," said Tuli

"We don't have time for that," said Raj

"They are the son and daughter of Alder and Sylvie," Said Ginter

"That changes things. Alright here what we are going to do we use our favor with the Firecloaks but send them with at least two guards that way they actually make it to the Firecloaks" said Raj

"Alright boss/affirmative" was the reply he got from Ginter and Tuli

Then they both turned as they heard a groan from the back to see the Summer waking up.


Summer's POV

As I wake up I rub my eyes to clear them I turn to see Crimson unconscious

???: "He is alive if that's what you are wondering"

I whip my head to look at the sound of the voice only to see a man and a woman

Ginter: "My name is Ginter and the one who just scared you is Tuli"

Summer: "My name is Summer and that is my brother Crimson"

???: "We are coming up to the watering hole people time to set camp"

Immediately people started to move around as they set up camp. I was picked up and then put on the ground.

Ginter: "Follow Tuli she will get you some food and some actual clothes"

I turn to Tuli and see her walking away so I take off after her.

Tuli: "Come on brat"

Summer: "Hey"

Tuli: "Here is dinner"

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