12. Four Years Later

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What---> Speaking


WHAT---> Screaming


What---> Whispering

Chapter 12

3rd POV

"Come on let's make this quick before somebody discovers what we are doing," said goon#1 as he was dragging a woman to the deeper part of an alley during the middle of the night. she was unconscious due to the Chloroform rag they shoved in front of her face.

"Oh I can hardly wait she looks like she will be quite a hole," Said goon#2

"Well too bad because she is not any of ours to use she is merchandise and they sell for more if they are unused," Said goon#3

"Then maybe I will buy her," Said goon#2

"HEY!" A young voice exclaimed

The goons turned around to see a young girl who looked to be around nine and was around four foot two. She had a dark red t-shirt that had holes under the dark red shirt there was a black shirt. On her lower half, she wore black pants which also had holes in them, and dark red boots that looked to be a bit beaten to top it all off. She had a bright white cloak floating in the wind and her hood was up blocking the view of her face. The cloak seemed to be the only clean piece of clothing on her and on her left hip was a knife. The handle was red with white accents, and the blade was about 7 inches long. The goons looked at each other and laughed before addressing her.

"How about you run along little girl before we take you as well" Said goon#1

"Let's take her anyways she would be a great-" Before goon#2 could even finish talking he was sent flying back as he was drop kicked by the girl before the other two had their legs swept which prevented goon#1 from dodging the incoming axe kick she then stomped on his head taking goon#1 out of the fight ducked as goon#3 had already gotten back up and swung his fist at the back of her head but since she ducked she merely pushed her weight up after grabbing his arm and throwing him over her shoulder she then proceeds to grab goon#3 by the hair and lifted before throwing her knee into his face.

"You should always watch your surroundings Summer" A voice announced from behind the girl now revealed to be Summer. She whipped around only to be lifted off the ground by a very familiar figure before being let down.

"I assume you took care of the last guy?" Summer asked

"Of course I did"The person who responded was wearing a black zip-up hoodie underneath the hoodie was a purple t-shirt he was wearing black cargo pants and black combat boots. On his left hip is a basic one-handed axe and on his right is a sword that has had its blade broken. He looked to be twelve years old and he was about five foot three. His hair is black and ends with purple tips. He continued "But me and you are going to have some words when we get back to the camp"

"Okay Crimson," Said Summer in annoyance of the talking she was going to be getting.

"You go on ahead I will take care of the trash," said the boy known as Crimson as he held some fishing wire.

Summer's POV

Crimson and I have just returned to the homeless camp we live at in the Industrial District. It is near a dock so the smell of the ocean is strong here. I looked at our tent and I entered it with Crimson right behind me at sat and thought for a little while about how we have lived in Vale for about four years now and we still have a tent for home I just want at least one night in an actual bed the last time I slept in a real bed was when we stayed the night at Raye's house. oh right, Raye.

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