9. Stealing the Airship

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What---> Speaking


WHAT---> Screaming


What---> Whispering

Chapter 9

Crimson's POV

Crimson: (Okay here we go)

I was trying to work up the confidence to do this because I had one of the hardest parts of Raye's plan. I am Supposed to be a distraction. I have no idea why she put me as a distraction when she was probably a better fighter than me. Maybe it's because she is the only one that can fly the airship. Anyway, while I am distracting the goons at the entrance Raye and Summer will sneak in from the side of the building and steal the airship, after a couple of minutes I must make my way to the roof to be picked up by Raye and Summer in the airship. Both Raye and Summer will steal the airship from the Razors which is the name of the group of criminals apparently.

I walked inside the building where I spotted two people, a man and a woman who looked like teenagers but both had their gang symbols visible and immediately they were on guard. Wait what?

Razor goon#1: Wha-a-at do you want, brat?

Crimson: (What the what? Why did he almost sound afraid?)

I didn't say a word to them. Instead I took out my weapons which caused her to pull out a sword and he pulled out mace along with a round shield. The woman was shaking as if she was in a blizzard and the man's pants were dripping. What is going on here?

Crimson: (Doesn't matter)

I sprint forward to the First goon and slash at his shield with my sword which he retaliated by swinging his mace upward which I countered by hooking the neck of his mace with my axe. I spun around him as the woman proceeded to swing at me. I then threw him over my shoulder and slammed my foot into the side of his head so hard he flew outside the front door and was presumably unconscious.

Crimson: (that should be a good enough signal)

I raised my sword to block her second strike and sheathed my axe I twirled my sword while still interlocking with her sword which caused her blade to go flying I took advantage of it by sweeping her leg and performing an axe kick which connected to her gut taking the wind out of her lungs and causing her to slam into the floor hard. After I realized something neither of them had their aura unlocked.

I turned around quickly as I heard a bunch of people storming in. I counted at least ten more goons as I took my axe back out. Then I spoke for the first time since walking in.

Crimson: If all of you are as untrained as these two then this is going to be a cakewalk.

Raye's POV

About thirty seconds earlier 

I sat next to Summer as we waited there waiting for my brother to give us the signal to get going. I was about to ask Summer a question before a person came flying out the front door.

Raye: It is time to go.

Summer: Okay.

We both got up and quickly made our way to the side entrance which was now unguarded. I started to pick the lock with haste and after about thirty seconds I heard a click and I barged in with Summer hot on my heels. I was quick to get to the airship and board. Then I make sure to double-check all the systems and make sure everything is good so I turn around to see Summer is no longer not on the ship.

Raye: Oh no *I look back from the way I came from and sigh* Hold on Summer *I run back to where I believe I lost her* SUMMER!

Summer: OVER HERE!

I took after her voice and I was sure I was close to where her voice came from. I turned the corner only to suddenly block a downward strike from a long axe with Gleam. I responded by slashing five times at the attacker's rib cage and then I spartaned the Attacker hard enough that he was sent at least a foot back before I pulled out Mutilator and fired. The attacker was sent flying back into the wall behind them.

Raye: Where is she? *I look around and I finally find Summer unconscious. I look over to the attacker whom I can now identify as a massive man probably about 7 feet. I see them getting back up meaning he has aura I also looked at his arm to see a more fancy version of the Razor's Symbol* Well I guess I have to deal with you first.


Raye: First let's see if you last more than three minutes then we can talk.

He then charges and swings his axe from the left which caused me to bring my sword to the left to block but he transitions the axe swing into a shoulder charge and the next thing I know I'm airborne and feel a shit ton of pain coming from my tailbone and that from him grabbing my tail he then slammed me into the ground causing me to losing Gleam in the process. But he wasn't done yet because he followed up by bringing his axe straight down onto my stomach. I felt my aura already half gone but his aura was mostly likely almost all gone after my opening assault he moved to bring his right foot down onto my skull so I rolled out of the way and got up off the ground he swung from the left once more but unlike before he kept true to this attack. I bend back and as it was over me activate my semblance and I reach out and slash at the axe with my hand cutting it in two I then grab the head of the axe and swing at his throat.

Raye: (So close now)

His aura finally showed signs of breaking as his yellow aura glowed around him I then went to follow up but he grabbed my arm before I could land the next blow he Punched me in the gut knocking the wind out of me and sending me flying. My spine was quick to alert me of major damage not only that but the blue glow surrounding me telling me one more blow like that and it's gone also worried me I look over to see Mutilator next to Summer who seems to be getting up Crimson.

Raye: (That could work)

I run at the Admin and duck under his punch then I swing the axe head into the side of his chest breaking his aura and getting stuck inside him but he either he didn't feel it or he didn't care because he just grabbed me by my throat and lifted me off the ground vision started to go black but then I see something flying threw the air it took a second for me to realize what it was. I activated my semblance once more, I chopped at his arm resulting in his arm being severed, I then jumped off him and grabbed Mutilator out of the air pointed it at his head and pulled the trigger. The effects were Immediate as the parts of the wall and ceiling were coated in blood. I land on the ground and I grab my own throat. 

Raye: Wow that sucked *I then turned to Summer who looked horrified* You okay?

She simply nodded slowly. I got to my feet and looked at what remained of the Admin which was the bottom half of his rib cage as almost his entire upper body was coating the hallway. I looked back at Summer.

Raye: Let's leave.

She simply nodded once more. I picked up Gleam and sheathed it along with Mutilator, I picked up Summer and ran back to the airship I got her situated before finally taking off to go pick up Crimson. Hopefully he is alright we did take longer than we were supposed too.

Raye: Hang on Crimson we are coming.


Author's note

I know a lot of fighting but there's going to be even more fighting in the next chapter so just wait for that. I don't have much else to say besides that buh bye.

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