6. The Firecloaks

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"What"---> Speaking


"WHAT"---> Screaming


"What"---> Whispering

Chapter 6

Summer's POV

I played with my beowolf plush and waited for any news about my brother. Ginter was talking to someone I don't know who she was but she looked scary. She had a mean-looking face and looked to be somewhere around 5 '10 with light tan skin. She was also wearing a white crop top with red stains on it, while also wearing a short red skirt with blotches of white to top it off she had a black cloak with her hood down. Ginter and the woman walk over to me.

???: "Hello little one"

Her voice was not what I imagined it would be. It was soft and gentle she spoke as if she spoke any louder it would harm me.

Summer: "Hi"

???: "My name is June I have heard that your name is Summer"

Summer: "Yes"

June: "Your brother will be just fine, all he needs is rest"

Summer: "Yay big brother is going to be okay"

I then jumped up and down in joy.

June: "Hey Summer now that you know that your brother is going to be okay why don't you do something for me"

Summer: "What is it"

She then pulled something out of her cloak and when she did I saw a holster that the cloak was hiding from plain sight and in that holster were what looked like four heavy pistols. But what she had brought out was a black box that was the size of a book.

June: "I need you to deliver this package to the biggest house in the village okay"

Summer: "By myself?"

June: "Yes it is a very important package okay"

Summer: "Ok-k-kay"

I then take the package and leave.


June: "Don't come back until the package is in the building"


3rd POV

June and Ginter watched as Summer had run away until she was gone from view. Ginter then turned back to speak to June.

"So how long until we get to Vacuo?" Ginter asked

June then turns to look at Ginter.

"Just about four months" June responded

"Okay, how long until I get back to the guild?" Ginter asked

"Most likely seven months," Said June

"Great so what do you want me to do until then?" Ginter asked

"Just do what you do for your guild" June responded

"That's it?" Said Ginter

"That's it" June stated

"Well I guess it would be best if I went and did those jobs," Said Ginter

"I will wait for the boy to wake," June said

Ginter promptly left to do his assigned duties which left June with Crimson.

"You can stop pretending to be asleep boy" June stated

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