5. Beware the Shifting Sands

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"What"-> Speaking


"WHAT"-> Screaming


"What"-> Whispering

Chapter 5

3rd POV

Crimson's training has continued for the last six weeks and in those six weeks they have visited four other villages. But today is when everything changes because Crimson and Summer are now near where the routes between the Ginkgo's and Firecloaks Graze which means it is time to leave. Summer was helping Ginter and a new member they just met called Volo get the carriage ready. But right now Raj and Crimson are conversing.

"So who is going with us," Crimson asked

"Ginter and Volo will be escorting you and your sister to the Firecloaks." Said Raj

"Before we go I have a question." Said Crimson

"What is it?" Asked Raj

"What was the purpose of all the weird training you made me do?" Crimson asked curiously

"Let me ask you a question in return, what have you learned from all that training I put you through?" Raj asked knowingly

"Well, when I was at the support tent it was very boring just standing there taking orders of what is needed and trying to see through the lies that some members told me?" Crimson said questioning himself

"Yes, now what did you learn from that," Raj stated

"Hmm." Crimson hummed to himself

What did he learn he then thought to himself. Then he thought to himself what if he was looking for it wrong. He then realized it ever since he started training with Raj at the support tent his meditation training was getting easier and thanks to Raj telling some members of the guild to lie to me has made it easier to read people. Also, the Delivery jobs when they were in villages taught him how to prioritize and be efficient. Even him appearing randomly has my ability to detect others better.

"It taught me-" Crimson started but he was stopped by Raj

"No need, I can tell you already know by the look on your face." Said Raj

"Thanks for teaching me." Said Crimson

"Who said your training is done?" Raj asked

"But I thought you're not coming with us." Said Crimson

"I'm not but I messaged the leader of the Firecloaks and told him to continue your training until he drops you off in Vacuo" Raj stated

Once their conversation is over Raj and Crimson go over to Summer and the others to see what they're doing. Summer is in the carriage playing with her Beowolf plush while Ginter is checking the carriage to make sure it is ready to go and finally Volo is sharpening his sword.

"We are almost done getting ready Crimson just finishing up my last checks of the carriage and then We will be good to go." Said Ginter

"I got to talk to Volo and Ginter." Said Raj

"What about me," Crimson asked

"Go keep Summer distracted. I will tell Ginter to tell you once you all make camp first." Said Raj

"Yes sir," Crimson stated

Then Crimson goes to play with Summer to keep her distracted.

"You two do remember why we changed the route right." Said Raj

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