7. Summer's Fifth Birthday

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What---> Speaking


WHAT---> Screaming


What---> Whispering

Chapter 7

Sparks flew as June and Crimson clashed with Crimson using his sword to block the incoming hit from Protect which is one of June's pistols she then pointed her other pistol called Serve at Crimson's head and then fired sending Crimson's head back from the impact of the shot she then backed off for a second giving Crimson some time. Crimson stood across from June who was holding Serve by the grip while holding Protect by the barrel, meanwhile Crimson was holding his sword in his left hand, and in his right was a one-handed battleaxe.

Crimson charged June which caused her to fire Serve at him, he then used his size to his advantage and slid in between her legs snagging the beard of his axe between her right ankle and dragging her to the ground he then slashed at her with his sword which she blocks with Protect but since she is not rooted the hit still sends her flying back a couple of feet which Crimson followed up with an upward swing with his axe which was also blocked by Protect but still launching her into the air which was followed by a downward slash of his sword and the hit is once again blocked by Protect this blow sent June back to the ground he then leaped to bring both his weapons down on her but then she uses her semblance sending Crimson flying back and causing him to hit the ground hard. Crimson was quick to get back on his feet but as soon as he did eight bangs were heard as June fired at Crimson who was not quick enough to dodge the shots instead he decided to block them with his sword which he only blocked 3 successfully. He then proceeds to rush June which causes June to aim Protect at the ground and fire causing her to fly away from Crimson's rush then she uses her semblance making Crimson fly towards her she then pistol-whipped him with Serve which sent Crimson flying to the ground but not before Crimson got the beard of his axe caught around her wrist sending her down to the ground with Crimson. When they landed a black glow surrounded him before breaking, while a grey glow surrounded her but her aura held.

"Well that was a good try," June said playfully

She then walked up to him with her hand held out which he promptly grabbed. He was then lifted to his feet by June he dusted himself off then his face was in the sand as June slapped him on the back hard. She then started to walk away as Crimson got up he then jogged after her and eventually he caught up to her.

"The first time you say something during training and all you have to say is 'that was a good try'," Crimson said Annoyed

"What do you want me to say good job at failing" June shot back sarcastically

"For the last two weeks we have been training and you haven't given me any advice on how to be better. All you have done is show up late and fight with me" Crimson said, now getting angry. He then stopped walking for about ten seconds but June didn't stop walking.

"Go have fun with your sister," June said as she continued to walk away she then stopped. "See you later" June stated and then she was gone.

"I can't let June get to me" Crimson stated to himself

He then walked off to find Summer.

Summer's POV

I had just finished all the chores that I was ordered to do today by June. Thankfully it wasn't as much today and that is because it is MY BIRTHDAY. I then get back to the tent that me, Crimson, and Ginter are sharing. I go get my new Ursa plush that I got from the head of the cafeteria. Just then Crimson walked in.

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