2. Objective: Survive

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"What"-> Speaking


"WHAT"-> Screaming


"What"-> Whispering

Chapter 2

Crimson POV

Summer and I Have been walking for about thirty minutes now. The grass and dirt are slowly transitioning to sand. We are almost to the route once there we have to ask the leader of the guild to give us safe passage to Vacuo. But I don't have a good feeling about this but it is the only plan we have so we are going through with it and hopefully we don't run into any Grimm I know that I could probably take a singular Beowolf in a fight the problem with that is Beowolves don't come in ones.

Ah, there is another issue with all this. We need shelter from the heat and a change of clothes as we both are still in our sleepwear. I really hope we find the merchant guild soon. I feel like I am forgetting something.

Summer: "Brother?"

Crimson: "Yes Summer"

Summer: "Are we there yet"

Crimson: "No"

Summer: "When will we be there"

Crimson: "I don't know"

Summer: "Brother"

Crimson: "What"

She points over to the left is a lone Beowolf which is sniffing around in response. I take out the packed knife, gods I hope the training I did with Mom and Dad would help out.

Crimson: "We will sneak by it okay"

Summer then nods and we proceed to try to sneak by it. We almost got past it but then a bird decided to drop a 'present' on top of Summer's head which made her yelp in Shock and now we are being glared at by the Beowolf.

Crimson: "RUN"

As Summer ran away to hide I steeled myself and held the knife to fight it. It lunged at me which caused me to roll forward to dodge it while Cutting its right leg which resulted in it's left foot hitting my face which disoriented me. This gave it the opportunity to bite down on my right shoulder which made me drop my knife but before the knife landed I kicked the falling knife as hard as I can sending it back up where it found home in the chest of the creature. The grimm roared in pain making it let go of my shoulder after that I quickly take the knife back out of its chest and do three quick slashes to its chest making it recoil more in pain it recovers quickly and backhands me which sent flying into a tree I can feel my aura and it's already on the verge of breaking.

Crimson: (I need to finish this)

I take off in a sprint at the beowolf and it charges back at me in return. I quickly Slide while holding my knife up making a massive vertical cut down its chest. I then grabbed its tail and fling myself unto its head then I shoved the knife into its eye socket killing it. I was about to cheer for my winning my first fight against a Grimm until I heard a couple of growls from behind me. I quickly turned around only to get punched into the same tree as before and a black glow appeared for a second telling me one more hit and my aura is gone.

Crimson: (This is not good, not good at all)

I dodge to the right to avoid the lunge from the first beowolf which caused it to smash its head into the tree and lose its bearings. I was forced to duck under a swipe from the second Which created an opening that I took which resulted in its hand being sliced off just as the third one lunged at me. I then grabbed the second one's arm and pulled which resulted in the third biting the second's arm clean off. While it was distracted I cut off its left leg which caused it to fall to the left I once again slid to the left and pointed my knife upwards causing the third beowolf to impale itself on the knife then I was kicked in the stomach by the first beowolf a black glow surrounds me and then it Breaks.

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