10. Snapped

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What---> Speaking


WHAT---> Screaming


What---> Whispering

Chapter 10

3rd POV 

As Raye scanned the roof for any sign of Crimson and she gave him fifteen seconds before they had to dust off. Ten seconds go by before the door swings open violently as a body comes flying out the door the next person who steps out is Crimson who is covered in blood but his weapons which were currently sheathed have had the same treatment as Crimson with blood dripping from his the axe head and from his now broken sword.

"What the hell did you do Crimson?" Said Raye as she stared eyes wide as she looked on at the blood-covered seven-year-old.

Crimson's POV

Twelve minutes earlier

As I finished the last goon stomping on his leg I threw my knee at the back of his head causing him to fall unconscious. It has been about four to five minutes since I first started my attack on the Razor's shipyard and I was now on the second to last floor. I turned as I as one more goon walked in who had a more impressive Razor symbol. She had a sword at the ready. She was shorter than Raye but taller than Mom.

Crimson: You look like you can fight.

Razor Female Admin: Why don't you come and find out?

Crimson: With pleasure.

There was a second of hesitation from both sides. I don't know why she hesitated but when we steeled ourselves sparks flew as we interlocked blades. She was winning the battle of strength between us so I dropped my entire weight on the ground causing her to fall forward. I proceed to kick her straight into the air which I follow up by swinging upwards sending up once more. I then swing downward with the axe like a bat and send her straight into the ground. She recovered effortlessly rolling backwards to dodge as I stabbed my sword into her previous location.

Razor Female Admin: hmm, it seems I have to take you seriously.

Crimson: About time.

She then suddenly splits her sword into two swords and starts her assault again. I tensed myself to block as swiped at me with her left then right then left it went like that for a while as she attacked and I blocked. Then I saw an opening as she swung from the right. She accidentally threw too much weight behind this swing so I loosened up so that when the swing connects it sends me flying into the wall. While I was flying through the air I positioned myself so my feet would land on the wall. I pushed myself forward so I shot forward at her. I then moved to bring both down but she blocked at just the right time the attack still sent her back a foot or two. Then I started my assault but eventually, I stole one of her swords by getting it stuck under my axe blade which I was forced to drop as she kicked it out of my hands. We were both left with a single weapon.

Crimson: (I need to finish this before I take too long)

I then clashed with her once more but this time I had a plan I broke off the clash by spinning around her slashing at her back over and over again until finally, I made a mistake that gave her time to turn to face me but it was already too late I broke her aura with one final slash I then which spun her around and I slam the hilt of my sword into the back of her head knocking unconscious. I then go over, pick up my axe and continue to the stairs.

Two minutes later

I am on the top floor and heading to the roof and I am so glad because when I get there I won't have to worry about this ever again. Just before I reach the door someone drops in front of me he looks quite old possibly around Raj's age.

???: Hello there.

Crimson: Hi?

???: I foresaw that you will get to me.

Crimson: Wait, you knew that I was going to be here?

???: I also foresaw the upcoming fight.

Crimson: Who even are you?

???: My name is Kokono Hoshi.

Crimson: Step aside, I need to get to the roof.

Hoshi: After everything you have done here? *he then slowly pulls out a dagger and a knife* No, I can't let you go.

Crimson: Let me pass.

Hoshi: You shall not pass as long as I live.

He then moves to attack which he starts with by slashing his dagger forward. He was eager for a challenger he Attacked faster than any other opponent I have fought to date. For every block I did there was a stab somewhere else but despite attacking fast his attacks did not seem to hold much power behind them.

Crimson: (I just might need to push through his Assault with an attack)

So that's what I did instead of going to block. I threw an attack at his left guard as he was swinging with his right. The effect was immediate as my attack had more power behind it than his and in return he was knocked back while still moving forward. I had also noticed that his aura showed signs of breaking already thanks to the green glow surrounding him. It was weird that his aura was almost broken but I'm not asking questions so to finish this he swung at his neck to hopefully take out the rest of his aura but instead, he caught the blade with his mouth. What shocked me even more was when he bit down on the sword. A loud clang sound came from the top of the sword as it hit the ground. But despite being shocked I did not let that stop my attacks. And with one final slash, his aura broke. I moved to do the same thing I did to the Admin before I was sent recoiling back from a slash of a sword from behind which I also felt broke my aura.

Crimson: (What now)

I was now staring down both Hoshi and the Admin from earlier.


I was exhausted from all the fighting already yet I was starting to get angry and frustrated. I let it all out and All of the pent-up rage that I have been storing since Summer and I was forced to leave home. It showed because, in my first attack, I threw my axe at the Admin as hard as I could which means she didn't even have time to react before her arm hit the ground and my axe was embedded into the wall next was the Hoshi as I sprint forward I thrust the broken blade into his gut before he even had a chance to move I then take the broken blade out of his gut and straight into his neck I ducked under a wild swing from the Admin who has recovered from the sudden amputation of her left arm I then bring the broken blade out of his throat spraying blood all over me I then jab the broken blade straight into the admins remaining arm cutting her right arm off before I kicked her in the chest which sent her flying into the door. I go over to my axe and I take it out of the wall. I look over to Hoshi and I look into his eyes before he closes them one final time. I looked down as I felt tingly.

Crimson: (What is this)

My aura was back already which was strange because it never recovered this quickly It also felt a lot bigger than before I turned to see the Admin slowly getting back up so I walked over to her and punched her through the door I had to shield my for a second as Vacuan Sun beamed down on me. I stepped out to see the airship which I tried hard to get two as I was now thoroughly exhausted. I got on board and fell to the ground. I heard Summer one last time before unconsciousness took over.

Summer: CRIMSON!


Author's Note

I will mention right away that there is a canon reason that a seven-year-old boy was able to beat two fighters with Admin being at the same skill level as the White Fang Lieutenant and Hoshi being the same as Ghira. But we won't get to that until the latter acts and that is all I have to say see you guys until next time, BUH BYE.

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