13. The Deal

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What---> Speaking


WHAT---> Screaming


What---> Whispering

Chapter 13

Crimson's POV 

As I stand up and look around I realize that I am once again at the dark place where those six creepy voices are. I have been here a lot recently. It feels like every night I am here.

???#1: Hello again young one!

???#5: Kill someone else now, Hmm!

Crimson: Why do you keep bringing me here!?

???#2: We aren't doing anything!

???#4: It is you that is bringing us here!

Crimson: [shouts] What the fuck does that even mean!?

???#6: Watch your tone with us, boy!

???#3: I don't remember any of us being this vulgar! To think that this hooligan is next in line is just revolting!

???#1: If I remember correctly you were nothing but a spoiled brat!

???#2: He is right, you were a very bratty individual!

???#3: This isn't about me, it's about him! So let us get back on track hmmm!

???#5: Sure thing Reginald!

???#3 now known as Reginald starts grumbling. I cheer on the inside because I finally have some Knowledge about the six enigmas that haunt my sleep and I have a lead on who these six are. But I can tell that I am about to wake soon so instead of letting them leave me with questions I ask one of my own.

Crimson: Why do I keep ending up here?

???#1: We can see through what you are doing!

???#6: But we will answer this question for you but only this once!

Reginald: Every time you take a life you will end up here!

Crimson: Why?

???#2: No more questions!

My eyes shoot open as suddenly I am thrust back into the world of wake. I see morning light coming through the holes of the tent before looking back on what I have learned. One of the being's names is Reginald and as long as I keep killing I will keep going back there. That reminds me I have to find that Third guy from the alley and kill him before word gets out. The only reason I killed those two goons back there is because while I look a lot different than I did four years ago Summer does not. She looks similar yet different but close enough to warrant the need of the eternal silence of anyone she has wronged as they might find her bounty that the Razor's have on her which is another reason why I don't want her going out and playing hero. I then turn to look at Summer and the third reason is one day she might bite off more than she can chew and the final reason is that I just don't want to be alone. I sigh before shaking her awake.

Crimson: Wake up, it's time to go eat.

Summer: [Groans] Okay.

3rd POV

Crimson and Summer got up to go eat at some nearby diner because Summer makes money off of street performances and Crimson just walks around Vale and eavesdropping on people for important information to sell to the resident journalist. This gives them enough money to pay for proper meals. As they went to enter the building they saw a man that looked to be in his thirties leaving. He had a blue trench coat with white work shirt and black work pants and shoes. His eyes were a bright yellow color and looked like the eyes of a hawk on and top of his head was a fedora. He saw us coming and held the door open as we walked in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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