8. Farewells and hellos

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What---> Speaking


WHAT---> Screaming


What---> Whispering

Chapter 8

Crimson's POV

It had been a couple of months since Summer's Birthday and since I started to train her. It was currently December 17th and today was when we got to Vacuo or at least the outskirts of it. I still remember the plan: the person that could fly us to Vale was on the outskirts of the kingdom and she owes mom and dad a favor. My training with June went well yesterday was the second time she said something after we fought.


I was on my hands and knees taking deep breaths while June just stood there motionless. My body felt like it was on fire. This has been the hardest I fought and her aura hasn't really taken much damage while mine just broke. I felt like this was the first time she actually tried to fight me seriously.

June: You did well.

Crimson: Really?

June: From the couple of months I have been training you I have come to learn that you are a quick learner and the way you fight is very efficient.

Crimson: And what way do I fight?

June: You have the potential to be a terrifying fighter. You always defend yourself until you create an opening and once you do create an opening you become relentless. You never let a person think you never let them take even half a second to breathe, you just won't let someone recover.

Crimson: Wow I think that is the most I have ever heard you speak.

June: I speak when I feel like speaking. How is that a hard concept to grasp?

Crimson: It's not.


But enough of that I am currently in a carriage with me and Summer in the back and Ginter in the front.

Crimson: Hey Ginter.

Ginter: What is it Crimson?

Crimson: I hate to sound like Summer here but are we there yet?

Summer: Hey.

Ginter: Why yes we are Crimson.

Summer and I quickly moved to the front of the carriage and peered out to see that we were coming up on the outskirts of Vacuo.


Crimson: Hey Summer.


Crimson: Could you stop yelling PLEASE.

Summer: I am Just so happy we finally made it.

Crimson: Well we are almost at our destination.

Summer: What do you mean?

Crimson: We have to get to Vale from here.

Summer: Why?

Crimson: Because Mom and Dad said that both Atlas and Vacuo were too dangerous for us so if we could we must get to Vale.

Summer: What about Mistral?

Crimson: I don't know what Mom and Dad thought about it.


Ginter gets off the carriage first then I get off after him then I help Summer down. Ginter came around and grabbed our bag for us.

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