• ONE •

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Felix always comes home with the same feeling. Sadness, anger, irritation.

He always returns home from school. Crying, bruised, scratched, wanting to end his life. He couldn't take it anymore. And it was hurting him, he was suffering. All because of hwang hyunjin.

He's scared to go to school everyday, but he still does. He wakes up for school, crying. Comes back from school, also crying. It never ends.

His mom doesn't know about the bullying. In fact, even if she did, she wouldn't give a fuck. Ever since felix's dad left, his mother continuously blamed it on him.

His dad left when Felix was eight years old cause he was 'too much'. Ever since then his mother blamed it on him all the time. He doesn't have a great relationship with his mother.

His mom doesn't care about him. I mean, she doesn't abuse him, she doesn't hit him or anything. But she calls him harsh things, always bossing him around, always shouting at him for no reason.

Felix is currently fifteen.

Of course, he came back from school, bruised and crying. He shut the front door, immediately going upstairs and shutting himself in his room as he leaned against his bedroom door and let out a shaky breath, wiping his tears.

He quickly got dressed into some comfy clothes. Black T-shirt and black shorts.

Felix's mom is rich. They live in a big house, basically a mansion. She isn't famous or anything, but she has two jobs. She works at a bar (most days), and her other job is having sex with rich men and then taking their money, and then leaving them the next day. She gets rich every day.

So felix lives in a big house. All this massive wasted space, only for two people. Usually one person, since felix's mom is always out.

Felix was sitting on his bed, reading some interesting action comic when suddenly a knock was heard at his door.

"Come in." He yelled.

The door opened and his mother stood there. She sighed.

"Felix what have I told you? Clean your room. It looks like and smells like a pigsty in here, gosh." His mother said, muttering the last word 'gosh'.

"What do you want?" Felix asked coldly, not looking away from his comic.

"I just wanted to let you know your step father and step siblings will be coming over tomorrow. They are coming to visit the house, since tomorrow is Saturday they will be here basically all day. They will be moving in next week." His mother informed. Felix just hummed before his mother left, slamming the door like usual.

Felix sighed, closing his comic and putting it on his bedside table.

His mother met a new man a couple weeks ago, and is non stop talking about him. It's honestly annoying. How 'rich' and 'handsome' he is. Felix didn't know his name, or second name. He didn't really care to be honest. He was kinda excited to meet his step siblings, hopefully he'll get along with them.

Felix checks his phone, getting a call from jeongin so he smiles and accepts.

Jeongin is his childhood best friend. They've grew up together, never had arguments or fall outs. They are always with each other, and stuck together like glue.

They were neighbours when they were five, and went to the same pre school together. They then grew up together, going to the exact same schools and living next door to each other. Being best friends ever since five years old up to fifteen years old, which is their current age.

But of cours, 10 months ago felix moved away from jeongin and moved into this big luxurious house.

That didn't break their friendship at all. In fact, they still go round each others houses, and they don't live that far away so they meet up and walk to school together.

My stepbrother is my bully • HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now