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"So. Do you like your bedroom?" Felix asked yeji, as they stood in her bedroom. She looked around and smiled widely.

"Like it? Nah, I love it." Yeji replied.

"Glad." Felix replied.

"I even have my own bathroom. Me and hyunjin would always fight over who would have a shower first in the mornings. Especially when we both wake up late and rush for school." Yeji said, making felix giggle.

It was soon time for the hwang's to leave, as they stand at the front door. Felix and his mother stood in front of them. Felix and yeji were smiling brightly at each other. Felix looked round at hyunjin and dropped his smile, seeing the male giving him a death look. Felix gulped and looked away.

"Bye honey." Felix's mother said as she pecked his step father on the lips, she then looked at the others "bye yeji, bye hyunjin."

"Bye step mother." Yeji said and waved.

"Tsk." Hyunjin said, rolling his eyes as he opened the door and left. Yeji followed behind him.

"Ignore hyunjin. He's always like that." His step father said.

Meanwhile, yeji followed hyunjin out, going to the car.

"Your so rude. You didn't even say bye." Yeji said as they waited at the car, waiting for their father.

"Why should I?" Hyunjin asked.

"Pathetic." Yeji muttered, but hyunjin heard clearly and it angered him. He grabbed yeji's wrists and held them tightly, digging his nails into her.

"Fucking say that again." Hyunjin hissed. Yeji pushed him away, her wrists red and sore.

Yeji looked at him and shook her head. Their father was walking towards them with a smile, as he unlocked his car. Hyunjin got in the front passenger meanwhile yeji sat at the back and went on her phone. The whole car ride was silent.

"You sat in your fucking room most the time, didn't even bother to hang out with them." His mother scolded. Felix stared at the ground the whole time.

"I hung out with yeji in my room. I already know them, they go to my school—"

"Don't talk back. Don't wanna hear it." She hissed before she walked away, entering the kitchen. Felix sighed, going upstairs and shutting himself in his room.

Felix sat at his desk and decided to continue his homework. Tomorrow is sunday, so he can relax, and Monday his step father and step siblings are moving in. It's also bank holiday on that day, they're back at school on the Tuesday.

Felix plugged his earphones in and did homework while jamming to some music.


"Felix wake up." His mother said, bursting the door open as she turned the light on. Felix groaned, rolling onto his back as he rubbed his eyes.

He looked at the clock in his room and widened his eyes and immediately sat up "mom, it's 5 in the morning."

"I don't care. The house is a mess and so is your room. I need you up, ready, showered, looking neat and smelling nice, and I need your room cleaned. I also need you to help me clean the house and make it shiny like before. Not looking like a pigsty." His mother said before she left and slammed the door.

Felix groaned and leaned back against his head board, rubbing his tired eyes.

Hyunjin is moving in. Fuck my life. I can't deal with his shit for the rest I'm living.

My stepbrother is my bully • HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now