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It hit midnight. Hyunjin still wasn't asleep. He had a massive headache and it hurt like hell.

He has drunk a load of alcohol and has had a lot of cigarettes, he felt like he was gonna faint.

After laying in darkness for the past couple of hours, doing nothing but laying there, he reached over and turned his little bedside table lamp on. He slowly got out of bed and exits his room. The house was dark, cold, quiet.

He sneaked downstairs and into the kitchen to get himself a load of snacks.

He was holding multiple bags of crisps and cookies, he turned round and went to walk. But it was so dark, he couldnt see, he ended up banging into something. Or someone.

"Agh." He groaned as he dropped all the stuff and stumbled backwards, making a loud noise.

The kitchen light soon turned on and Hyunjin looked up. He frowned when he saw Felix.

"Watch where you're going." Hyunjin hissed as he picked up all his snacks again.

"S-sorry." Felix gulped, and looked away, nervously.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes. He stared at felix for a while before deciding to ask.

"What did my friends do to you?" Hyunjin asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Felix answered, pointing at the bruises on his face.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes "I mean, you must've done something to piss them off. It's your fault."

Felix clenched his fists but he took a deep breath and closed his eyes to calm down. Because right now he wanted to charge at Hyunjin and beat the living shit out of him.

Felix opened his eyes again once he calmed down. But every time he looked at Hyunjin, his anger just came back.

"Yeah, you keep saying that. I did nothing wrong. All I do is mind my own business. I'm a human too, I have feelings." Felix stood up for himself.

"Yeah, but you deserve everything that's happening to you." Hyunjin said, glaring at felix.

After a while, he nudged into Felix while he muttered the word 'gay', and walked past him, going upstairs.

Felix sighed.

- - -

Of course, Minho and Jaehyun kept tormenting him and beating him up. It was horrible.

2 days passed, it was Friday, the day Hyunjin was back at school.

Friday morning, hyunjin entered the school. Minho and Jaehyun immediately went over to greet him. He got all the girls attention as they start whispering about him, blushing, and drooling over him.

Hyunjin could easily get any girl he wanted. With his good looks and his shitty personality.

Felix sat in the classroom, chatting with Jeongin. Some other classmates were in the class too, doing their own thing.

Soon enough Hyunjin entered the classroom, along with his friends.

Felix and Jeongin saw them and dropped their smiles, they looked at each other and started talking shit about Hyunjin.

"He thinks he's so cool. He's such an asshole." Jeongin whispered.

Hyunjin seemed to hear, because he came storming over.

Jeongin looked up at him and immediately looked back down.

Hyunjin hit Jeongin round the back of the head and smirked, as the classroom was filled with snickering and chuckling as everyone in the class watched the scene. There wasn't much people.

My stepbrother is my bully • HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now