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"Lixie, you should stop smoking. You're still young and it's really bad for you." Jeongin said, being the caring person he is.

Felix rolled his eyes but he flicked his cigarette on the floor and stamped on it, clearly unbothered, clearly not caring.

He then put his hands in his trouser pockets and continued walking. Jeongin sighed and sped walked to catch up with him, walking by his side.

They sat on a bench, looking at the people in the park.

"Kids. Never gonna know if they'll get bullied when they're older or not. Sad life. Maybe some of them are already getting bullied." Felix said as he laid his head in his arms.

Jeongin looked at him "don't worry lixie. Everything will be okay."

Felix wanted to let his anger and sadness out. But it's Jeongin. He'd never snap at Jeongin, he never has before and he knows he never will. Jeongin is his best friend, his childhood friends. Jeongin has always been there for Felix, and he always will. They do everything together. They're partners in crime. They can't live without each other. Felix would never snap at Jeongin, never hurt him. And Jeongin would never do the same to Felix.

The blonde took a deep breath before he sat up and looked at Jeongin.

"Hopefully.." he said quietly.

Suddenly someone came up from behind Felix. Jeongin looked up and realised, since he was sat across from Felix and saw what was behind him.

He widened his eyes "Felix-"

But Minho had already grabbed Felix's hair and pulled him off the bench, falling onto the dirty grass.

Felix hissed as he laid on his back. He had no energy to do anything. So he just laid there and closed his eyes.

"You are so weak and pathetic, not even gonna stand back up. You can't even fight anyway. Now tell me. How's Hyunjin? Your little boyfriend? Gosh, you're such a freak." Minho said. It was obvious he was bored and had nothing else to do.

"Leave us alone." Jeongin raised his voice.

Minho looked at him and scoffed "or what? You guys are both weak and small, you can't fight, even if you tried."

Felix stood back up as he sighed, keeping his eyes closed.

Minho grabbed his shirt and pushed him into the tree as Felix hissed, feeling the tree stabbing into his back.

"Now, you nerd. There's one thing I wanna do. I want to kill you. I won't, but I want you to know I want to fucking kill you. I want you dead. It's illegal if I do it. But it's not if you do it to yourself. If you like people being happy so much, then do us all a favour, and kill yourself. Don't make me say it to you again." Minho said as he chuckled afterwards.

Felix was beginning to get really angry, really upset.

"Awww, is someone getting angry? Because you know I'm right, and you should die-"

Minho couldn't even finish before a mysterious person grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back, throwing him to the floor.

Felix and Jeongin widened their eyes as they watched what happened.

Felix looked up and saw

"Hyunjin?" He spoke. Which made Jeongin look up, too.

Hyunjin looked down at Minho with a frown and clenched teeth. He then grabbed Minho's shirt, pulling him up and forcing him to stand.

"I told you to leave Felix alone, you dickhead. Stop being a fucking prick. You're lucky I'm not in a fighting mood today, otherwise I would've gladly fucked your face up. It would be quite fun." Hyunjin said before he pushed Minho away.

Minho scoffed, glaring at felix before he turned and stormed away like a child.

Hyunjin watched him walk away before he turned to Felix and slowly approached him. Felix stared deeply into his eyes.

"Are you okay felix? Did he hurt you?" Hyunjin asked.

Felix was speechless, he just stared into Hyunjin's eyes, like he was searching for something.

Hyunjin just stared back, a little confused.

He saw Hyunjin was being for real. Hyunjin's expression was soft, and it looked like he genuinely cared.

"Thank you, Hyunjin, for defending me." Felix said quietly.

Hyunjin smiled "you're welcome. I told you. I don't wanna be who I was before. I'm sorry for being such an asshole. I-I know I don't deserve to be forgiven but, I want you to know, I truly am sorry."

It was silent for a moment as they did nothing but stare into each other's eyes.

Felix suddenly burst out crying as he lunged forward and wrapped his arms tightly around Hyunjin's torso, he buried his head into Hyunjin's chest and sobbed.

Hyunjin smiled and hugged him back, patting the back of his head, gently.

Felix hugged him tighter.

"Let it all out, lix." Hyunjin spoke softly.

- - -

Minho walked down the street, an annoyed expression on his face. He wanted to punch a wall.

Suddenly he spotted someone and stopped in his tracks. He gulped as he quickly calmed down and changed the expression on his face. He then brushed his clothes and put a hand through his hair before he slowly walked over to the familiar person who he adored.

"Jisung." Jisung turned round and dropped his smile, seeing Minho.

"What are you doing here?" Minho asked, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Meeting up with a friend." Jisung answered coldly and looked back at his phone.

"Cool. Um, anyway, I was wondering... could we like... hang out sometime-"

Jisung looked at him angrily "no, Minho. No. You asked me that before, ages ago, the answer is still the same. No."

Minho sighed "please, give me a chance. I can prove to you, I'm the one. I'll treat you better than anyone else ever could. Why won't you just give me a chance?"

"Why won't I give you a chance?" Jisung scoffed "you better be joking, minhoe."

Minho gulped and stayed silent.

"You bully my best friend." Jisung spoke up.

Minho looked at the ground and said nothing.

Jisung spoke again "you bully my best friend, you're a shitty person in general. I hate you, okay? Now leave me alone."

Jisung then turned round and walked away. Minho watched him walk away with a sad look on his face.

He sighed, he then turned and walked the opposite direction. Deciding to just go home.

- - -

How are you all?

"What are we, idiot?"

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"What are we, idiot?"

My stepbrother is my bully • HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now