• TWO •

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Here felix stood, showing hyunjin and yeji round the house while his step father and his mother talk in the living room with glasses of wine in their hand.

"They're both the same but you can pick which room you want." Felix said, bored.

Hyunjin put his arm round felix with a smirk and leaned towards his ear "this is gonna be fun, heh? I though it'd be boring, when my father said step brother I thought it'd be like a 5 year old. Surprisingly, it's you. I get someone to pick on." He whispered and chuckled afterwards.

Felix just stood there and gulped.

Hyunjin then pushed Felix from behind before he entered the massive room.

Felix let out a shaky breath, and rubbed his eyes.

I'm gonna live in hell..

Felix eyes watered as he went to walk to his room. Yeji saw from her bedroom, she called felix's name so he stopped and turned to her, faking a smile as he walked over.

"Hello yeji. Do you like the room?" He asked, his voice was shaky and quiet. Yeji instantly knew something was up.

Here's the thing with yeji, she's the complete opposite of her asshole brother. Yeji is kind, caring, friendly, helpful, all that stuff. She's the person you could go to, crying, and she'd instantly comfort you and cheer you up. She's also terribly overprotective, even of her friends, anyone hurts her friends and she goes angry cat mode.

"You know me well, felix. I know somethings up." Yeji asked sternly, crossing her arms.

"Your brother is being a dick head. I'm sorry, i had to say it." Felix said.

"Yeah, he's like that. Just try ignore him and avoid him, okay? If I see or hear anything happening, I'll defend you." Yeji said, smiling when felix smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, yeji."

- - -

Felix sat at his desk in his room, doing homework. Using his computer to do research while he writes in his note book.

Suddenly there was a knock at his door.

"Come in."

The door creaked open.

"Why are you sitting here doing homework? Come and hang out with your step siblings." His mother strictly said.

"Mom, i know them well. They go to my school." Felix said.

"I know and I don't care. I still want you to hang out with them." His mother said, stubbornly.

Felix looked at her with an 'are you serious' look.

"But mom i know them, they don't mind me being in here. And I need to do my homework—"

"Lee Felix i do not care. You can do your homework tomorrow, it's Sunday and you have all day. Since you have nothing better to do with your boring life. Come out, now. I'll give you ten minutes." His mother said before she left, leaving the door opened. Felix groaned, closing his eyes as he leaned back in his chair annoyed.

He didn't wanna go out there and face hyunjin.

But to his 'luckiness', hyunjin was already at his doorframe and leaning against it with a sly smirk.

"Yeah, listen to your mommy, felix." Hyunjin laughed annoyingly. Felix closed his notebook and put his stationary all together, neatly. He turned his computer off and stood up from his black spinning chair.

"Nice room you have. So neat. You really are a goodie two shoes." Hyunjin scoffed.

Felix ignored him and walked past him. That must of angered him, cause he grabbed felix's arm and yanked him back, making felix yelp and hiss in pain.

My stepbrother is my bully • HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now