• SIX •

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"What happened today?" Was the first thing felix heard when he stepped inside of his house.

He saw hyunjin there, sipping loudly on his energy drink.

Felix raised an eye brow, confused, slowly shutting the door behind him.

"What do you mean?" Felix asked quietly.

"You know exactly what I mean. Seungmin? Minho? Jaehyun? What the fuck did you do." Hyunjin said through clenched teeth, angrily.

"It's not my fault. Minho and jaehyun were bullying me, like usual, seungmin popped out of no where and beat their asses." Felix replied.

Hyunjin scoffed "he's a dickhead"

"No he isn't." Felix defended with a frown "im happy he came and saved me. Minho and Jaehyun are the dickheads, and so are you—"

Felix got cut off when hyunjin grabbed felix's shirt and harshly banged him against the door.

"Don't want to hear you say that, or anything like that, again. Understand, punk." Hyunjin said.

Felix rapidly nodded, with fear in his eyes.

Hyunjin just smirked and violently let go.

"Such a wuss." Hyunjin said, chuckling afterwards, before he walked away.

Felix just breathed out. After a while, he unfroze and went upstairs. Shutting himself in his room. He had a nice warm shower before changing into a white T-shirt and black shorts.

He then went downstairs, his eyes turned into stars when he saw loads of Christmas decorations around. He smiled widely.

He loved Christmas.

Christmas was his favourite time of the year no doubt.

He entered the living room to see yeji decorating the Christmas tree, happily.

Felix walked over as they greet each other.

"Wanna decorate the tree with me?" Yeji asked.

"Of course." Felix answered with a smile, as he began helping.

Hyunjin sat in his room, at his desk. He was playing some violent gun games on his computer but he was getting bored, and quite tired. He yawned loudly. He sighed, leaving his game and turning his computer off.

He pulled his phone out his trouser pocket and checked the notifications.

Loads of notifications on social media. He got a message from minho, quickly pressing on it.


That Seungmin dickhead really fucked me up


Hyunjin plugged his phone on charge before he left his room and went downstairs to get some snacks.

He heard chattering and laughter in the living room. He walked over and saw yeji and felix decorating the tree.

Hyunjin loves Christmas, but he'd never show it.

He went to walk away, but he heard Felix laugh. He didn't know why but Felix's laugh was so cute. He looked at felix, staring at him as he talked with a cute smile plastered across his face.

Hyunjin uncontrollably smiled. Once he realised, he slapped himself and immediately stopped smiling.

He quickly left, while slapping himself.

My stepbrother is my bully • HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now