• FIVE •

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"So, felix, into anyone recently? I'm a good match maker so I could get you and your crush together instantly." Yeji asked, those two sitting on the couch and chilling out.

"Nope. Not really thinking of love right now, saving that for the future." Felix answered, truthfully.

"Don't blame ya. What about changbin? Isn't he like... crazily in love with you?" Yeji questioned.

"He's a nice guy, honestly. But I only see him as a friend." Felix answered.

"Mm." yeji hummed.

It was silent, but then felix brung up the thing that yeji wished he didn't.

"What happened between you and ryujin? I swear you guys were a thing?" Felix asked.

Yeji went sad, and felix noticed.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. You don't have to answer. It's just... I'm curious. You guys are so distant now." Felix said.

"It's nothing. We got into a little fight, I still really like her. It's just... things aren't the same." Yeji answered quietly.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Felix, don't apologise. It's not your fault."

Suddenly someone entered the living room.

"Hello. Uh, felix could you pop to the shop for me and buy some milk, bread, butter and cheese. We've ran out." His mother said. Felix nodded as he stood up and left.

He quickly tied his shoes on and put on a jacket, since it was cold outside.

He opened the door, leaving and shutting it behind him. He put his hands in his pockets as he walked down the street and towards the mini corner shop.

It was slowly getting dark outside.

He arrived at the shop, going inside as the bell dinged. He then grabbed a blue plastic bag and got all the things he needed. He also got himself a drink and got yeji a chocolate bar. After making up his mind, he also decided to get hyunjin a pack of sweets. He quickly payed before putting it all in the bag and leaving.

He was walking back down the street when he stopped and widened his eyes, freaking out.

Minho and Jaehyun.

They are hyunjin's best and closest friends that also bully felix. Badly.

Felix quickly hid behind the bush, sitting on the cold concrete floor as he curled into a ball. Hoping they would just walk past and not notice him.

He was shivering because of the coldness, too.

But suddenly he felt someone grab him by his coat and lift him up, pushing him into the brick wall.

"Hiding from us, eh? You really are a wuss after all." Minho said as him and jaehyun chuckle.

"Please leave me alone." Felix begged.

"Shut the fuck up you geek." Jaehyun growled.

Felix immediately shut up.

"So. I never got my fucking money I asked for." Minho said, grabbing felix's shirt tightly "where is it?"

Felix began shaking as he gulped.

"I-I'm sorry, I'll-I'll bring it tomorrow—"

"I want it now." Minho said, angrily.

Jaehyun then stepped closer "you have spare money. You were at the shops, so give us your spare change."

Felix searched his jacket before pulling the note out his pocket, shakily reaching it out. Minho snatched it off him, harshly.

My stepbrother is my bully • HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now