• TEN •

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"Yo Hyunjin, why'd you say that to the principal? You got us all in trouble. Why'd you take the nerds side?" Minho asked.

Hyunjin sighed and shrugged "I don't know, please, don't scold me right now, I'm tired and I'm not in the fucking mood."

Minho pushed him harshly, angering the other.

Jaehyun just watched everything happen in silence.

"Don't push me you jerk." Hyunjin said, pushing him back even harder.

"You're changing. Well, it's your loss, because y'know what's gonna happen? Your gonna be friends with the nerd Felix and his nerdy friends, you'll be one of them, you'll lose popularity and all the girls will feel disgusted because of you. You'll be one of the nerds who constantly get picked on and have to get their lunch last, haha." Minho said as he laughed.

Jaehyun just looked at the ground, not doing or saying anything, not knowing who's side to take.

Hyunjin grabbed Minho's shirt tightly, making him widen his eyes.

"Get off me, freak." Minho hissed.

Hyunjin tightened his grip "your the freak, your the jerk. I've just came to my senses. I don't like being a shitty person anymore. I know everyone loves me because I'm handsome and have a shitty personality but I don't want to be like that anymore. And you, you should grow up and be like me, too. Snap out of it."

He then pushed Minho away.

Minho staggered backwards. After a while he just scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"You're not cool anymore. You really are a loser, huh?" Minho said as he chuckled and crossed his arms.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, muttering "whatever," before he turned and started walking away.

"Yeah, walk away, too scared to do anything. Gosh, you've turned into such a big loser." Minho shouted after him.

Hyunjin tried ignoring him and kept walking.

Minho then laughed "I bet Felix is still crying over his dead uncle. Haha."

Minho was laughed, but it was soon swept off his face when Hyunjin turned round, charged at him with full speed, and punched him across the face with full force.

"Agh." Minho grunted as he fell backwards and into the muddy grass. He looked up at Hyunjin, half his face bruised.

Hyunjin stood in front of him, looking down at him with a look full of anger and rage.

"Laughing at peoples dead family members, now are we? I may be a loser, but at least I'm not a heartless monster." Hyunjin said, raising his voice slightly.

He kicked Minho's leg, making him yelp in pain before he turned and quickly walked away.

Minho just sat on the muddy grass, his face in pain, throbbing because of the bruise.

He looked up at Jaehyun "help me up, loser."

Jaehyun gulped and walked over to him, but he didn't help him up, he just stared down at him.

"Hyunjin's right. And you deserved that punch. You're a heartless monster, and, I also don't wanna be like you anymore. I'm sticking to Hyunjin's side, I wanna change into a nicer person." Jaehyun said before he turned and also walked away, leaving Minho all alone with no one.

- - -

Hyunjin arrived home, he had sneaked out so he snuck back in. He shut the front door and tiptoed upstairs and went back to his room. He shut himself in there, taking his shoes and jacket off as he took a deep breath to calm down.

My stepbrother is my bully • HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now