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"FELIX WATCH OUT." Changbin yelled as he pushed Felix out the way.

Jeongin and Felix had entered the school. Felix nearly got hit with a basketball, but Changbin pushed him out the way in time and caught the basketball with his hands.

"Thanks Binnie." Felix said.

"No problem." Changbin said, smiling at him and winked afterwards.

Suddenly the boys that threw the basketball marched over with angry faces.

"Yo pass it back." One said.

"No. How about I take it for now?" Changbin said as he spun the basketball on his finger.

"Give it back you bitch." Another one said, raising his voice.

Changbin scoffed "fuck nah. Only if you apologise to Felix and his friend."

The four boys turned to Felix and jeongin with weirded out faces. They began laughing.

"No." The one in front said, looking like the leader of them all "I'm not apologising to some gay ugly weirdos. Give me my ball back, that's my property."

Changbin held the ball in his hand. He sighed.

He held out the basketball for them to take.

"Thanks bastard." The one in front said as he reached for it, to take it.

Just when he was about to take it, Changbin hit it up so it hit his face.

The boy groaned in pain as he fell backwards, his nose bleeding.

Changbin began laughing. He then bounced the ball as it bounced high in the air, touching the ceiling of the school and bouncing back down on his face.

"FUCK." He shouted, blood dripping out his nose. Down his face and some on his clothes.

"Later." Changbin said. He put his arm round Felix and jeongin as those three quickly walked away.

"You're so cool Binnie." Felix said.

"I know."

- - -

Felix was sitting in class, minding his own business, like usual. He was listening to the teacher while he also sat at his own desk, in the back corner, while he doodled some random things on a piece of paper.

He was alone, since Jeongin wasn't in this lesson.

He suddenly felt something hit him. He looked down to see a curled up paper ball on his desk, he looked up to see Minho and Jaehyun snickering.

He sighed, he picked it up and unwrapped it to see what it read.


And some weird pictures that they drew.

Felix sighed, he tried to contain himself as he curled the paper back up, and threw it right back at them.

At this time, the teacher turned round and saw Felix throw the paper back at Minho and Jaehyun. So he instantly got the blame.




Felix sighed, he stood up and closed his notebook, picking it up with him. He put one strap of his bag over one shoulder before he left. Hearing Minho and Jaehyun chuckle.

My stepbrother is my bully • HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now