• FOUR •

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It was around dinner time, felix was helping his mom and step father lay out the table. Yeji offered to help but felix's mom told her to rest before dinner.

Meanwhile, hyunjin hasn't come out his room in hours.

"Felix. Can you go get hyunjin? Dinners ready." His mother said. Felix nodded before he made his way upstairs and towards hyunjin's room.

He knocked on the door, hesitantly. Nothing.

"H-hyunjin. Dinners ready. Mom told me to c-come get you." He said.

What if he was gaming or watching television or having a nap and I disturbed him? He's for sure gonna beat me.

He got no answer.

"Hyunjin?" He called out again. Nothing.

"Hyun-" suddenly the door swung open as felix closed his eyes tight shut, stepping backwards with his hands in front of his face, shaking slightly.

"I'm coming you little brat, shut the fuck up and be patient." Hyunjin said, slamming the door behind him as he went downstairs. Felix sighed, following after him.

They sat at the table. Felix sat down next to yeji while hyunjin sat down next to his father and felix's mother sat at the head of the table.

"Hyunjin what have you been doing? You haven't come out your room in around— two hours." His father asked.

"Why do you wanna know?" Hyunjin answered back, rudely.

"Don't talk to me like that I am your father."

"Don't act like one." Hyunjin said, leaving everyone speechless.

"Hyunjin, apologise." Yeji scolded.

"No. I won't. He doesn't deserve an apology." Hyunjin hissed.

"Oh my gosh.. HYUNJIN GO TO YOUR FUCKING ROOM." His father yelled. Hyunjin stood up violently, kicking the chair down.

"SCREW YOU, YOU OLD FUCKING MAN." Hyunjin said as he took his plate of food and left. Slamming himself in his room.

"I'm so terribly sorry for my son's behaviour. He won't change." Hyunjin's father apologised.

"No. It's okay." Felix's mom replied.

They carried on eating in silence.

Dinner soon finished. Felix's mom and step father sat in the living room and watched a show while felix and yeji did the washing up. Felix washed up the plates and glasses while yeji dried them.

"I'm sorry about hyunjin earlier. He's always like that." Yeji apologised, sighing afterwards.

"It's fine." Felix smiled "I'm sure I can get used to it."

"We're back at school tomorrow. Excited to see my friends but feel like crying when we have to do the work and wake up so god damn early." Yeji said.

"So true." Felix agreed.

They soon finished washing up as they cleaned the table before going upstairs together.

The time was currently 10:40 pm.

"Night felix."


Felix watched yeji as she shut herself in her room. Felix went to go to his room but stopped. He slowly turned round, staring blankly at hyunjin's closed bedroom door.

I'm gonna regret this.

Felix made his way over, he took a deep shaky breath and knocked on the door.

My stepbrother is my bully • HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now