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It was dark outside, and cold. Jisung was standing outside, waiting for his taxi to arrive. He was sitting on a bench, one leg over the other and just scrolling through his phone, minding his own business.

He felt someone sit next to him. He looked round and saw a man, clearly older than him.

He just smiled and looked back down at his phone.

Suddenly the man scooted closer until the side of their bodies were touching. Jisung gulped, he got nervous and very uncomfortable. He just took a shaky breath and continued looking at his phone, ignoring it, hoping his taxi would hurry the fuck up and arrive.

He got startled when the man suddenly spoke.

"You're not moving or saying anything, that means it's alright to sit here, right?" The man spoke.

Jisung looked at him and looked away again, gulping.

"Y-yeah.." he said nervously and shakily and tried to ignore him.

He froze and got even more uncomfortable when the man put his hand on jisung's thigh and leaned in, talking into his ear.

"You're such a pretty lad~ I could give you a lift home?" The man whispered and chuckled afterwards.

Jisung stood up "no thank you. I'm okay."

He then turned and walked away but he heard footsteps behind him. It only meant one thing.

The man is following..

There was no one else around, the only light was the street lamps. He got even more nervous, scared, his heart beat fast and his palms began to sweat and his eyes watered.

The man caught up, jisung went to run but the man realised and grabbed his arm, pulling him back as their bodies hit against each other.

"Where are you going, hm?~" the man said and then leaned down like he was going to kiss him.

Jisung backed away and put on a fake smile.

"Someone's picking me up, I'm fine, I-i don't need you."

The man didn't seem too pleased with that. He grabbed jisung's wrists very tightly and slammed him against the brick wall, pinning him there.

Jisung couldn't set free, he couldn't even kick him away or anything. He just let his tears pour out.

"Yes, keep crying, you are a pretty crier." The man chuckled and leaned in to kiss him again.

Jisung closed his eyes tightly and waited for the income, since he couldn't fight back.

But it never came?

Suddenly he felt the man let go off him, well, by the aggression it seemed like someone ripped the man off him.

Jisung slowly opened his eyes and soon widened them.

"Minho?" He whispered.

Minho had ripped the man off jisung and kicked him down. The man was lying on the ground, he soon hurried to his feet.

"L-leave me and him alone." The man spoke. He walked towards jisung and reached for his hand but Minho got in front of Jisung, protecting him, looking the man dead in the eyes with a serious look.

"Did you not hear me, idiot? Let me and him go-"

"I know him." Minho said, making the man freeze.

"I suggest you go. Doing things to people like that in public is disgusting, honestly. Pervert, have nothing else to do?" Minho said, raising his voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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