• NINE •

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"What were you thinking? I'm so fucking disappointed that I have a son like you. Honestly, you're such a fucking disappointment, hyunjin."

Hyunjin sighed and gulped. As soon as he got home his father had slapped him and started scolding him.

"Gosh, you can't do anything right, you jerk." His father said as he continued to yell at Hyunjin and curse at him.

Hyunjin was honestly used to it. I mean, he's had to deal with this basically his whole life.

Yeji was watching from afar with her arms crossed, watching out in case the argument escalated into something bigger. I mean, their father constantly slaps Hyunjin and yells at him, he's never done anything more. But yeji always watches just in case, because in the past he used to beat Hyunjin during an argument. And she's scared it'll start to happen again.

She used to do that as a kid, too. She would sit on the stairs and listen to her father and her brother arguing. She would watch and listen, making sure nothing bad happened.

Felix hasn't even returned home yet and school ended 20 minutes ago, It'd usually take him 5-10 minutes to get back home from school. But he was no where to be seen.

"Go to your room and don't come back out. If I see your face, I might punch it. You disgust me." His father spat.

Hyunjin gulped and slowly nodded.

"Yes sir.." he mumbled as he quickly went upstairs and shut himself in his room.

His father watched him walk away, muttering the word 'disgrace' before he left into the kitchen to get some beer.

Yeji watched everything, and heard everything. She sighed and went upstairs, deciding to check on her brother.

She quietly knocked on his door. She got no answer so she knocked again.

"Go away." She heard Hyunjin say quietly.

Yeji gulped and spoke "Hyunjin, it's me, your sister. I just wanna make sure you're alright."

It was silent for a moment before the door swung open and Hyunjin stood there, with a glare.

"Are you okay?—"

"Since when did you care about me, yeji? You've never cared about me." Hyunjin said.

Yeji scoffed "never cared? I've always cared. You're the one who never cared about me."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, he went to shut his bedroom door but Yeji stopped it with her hand and pushed it back open again.

"Don't shut the door on my face, we're going to talk about this." Yeji said with a stern tone.

"What the fuck is there to talk about? I mean, thank you for checking on me, but I don't wanna talk right now. I wanna sleep, sleeping is my only escape from everything. Now just, go away, please." Hyunjin said.

Yeji stared at him for a moment before she sighed and looked down, giving up.

She turned and walked away, not saying anything more.

Hyunjin watched as she went downstairs before he slammed his door, loudly.

Yeji entered the kitchen where her father was and crossed her arms, frowning slightly.

"Yeji, are you alright?" He asked her.

"I think you need to calm down on Hyunjin. Yes, you can shout at him. But getting physical won't change him, it'll make him worse." Yeji spoke up.

My stepbrother is my bully • HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now