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Kim Taeyeon
20 years old
Heir of Kim family
Always top 3 in class
She bend a lot of girls XD
Her dorky smile which guy and girl adore a lot. It outnumbered the amount of sand in the desert.
Best friends with Yuri.


Kwon Yuri
20 years old
Heir of Kwon family
Smart in speaking
She flirt without herself realizing
People always are captivated by her charming smile and of course her well toned body.
Gym freak
Best friends with Taeyeon


Tiffany Hwang
20 years old
Just an ordinary girl
Really smart
Always top 3 in class
The eye smiling girl
Really clumsy but cheerful
Best friends with Jessica


Jessica Jung
20 years old
Cold girl
Does not open up easily
Only trust Tiffany as they were best friends.
Really Smart
Secretly goes to gym to keep her body fit.

there are supporting characters that u will know as the story goes on. I will really focus on this two couple so hopefully I could get my number of readers to increase from the previous book.

thankiew guys🙆💕

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