be mine and mine only

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"Jessica !" Mr Kang hit her table. Jessica jumped a bit and looked up to a fury guy. "Stop daydreaming and start your project already !" Mr Kang gave her a glare and walked away. She nervously took a quick glance at her unusually quiet partner and sigh deeply. "Yuri could we start ?" Jessica spoke up.

"Yeah sure. I did this yesterday." Yuri showed Jessica the paper works that she has done. Jessica flip through the pages and her eyes widen. "I photocopied another set so u don't need to copy all this work." Yuri gave her another copy. "But Yul this is all of the paper work ! I didn't even touch one question." Jessica looked at her in disbelief.

"I didn't want u to be tired." Yuri looked at her and sighed before looking away again. "Why are u doing this Yuri ?" Jessica asked quietly. That whole stack of paper work could take up at least 5 hours to finish alone.

Yuri ignored the question and took out another piece of paper. "Here's the formulas and outline of the project. u could just touch up on this diagram and we're done." Yuri said nonchalantly as if she didn't do anything. Jessica froze. "Yuri ! Why are u doing this ?" Jessica cupped her face and made her face her.

"Don't do this please... It's gonna be hard." Yuri put down Jessica's hand again. "I'm so confused Yul." Jessica just stared at her , still absorbing the same sentence that Yuri said in the restroom just now. "Mr Kang I'll need to go to the restroom." Yuri stood up and left before even getting an answer from him.

Unknown to her , Jessica followed her. Yuri slam her hand on her locker and knock her head on it. Jessica jumped a bit by the loud thud and hid in the corner. "Why am I hurting ?!? I'm Kwon Yuri !! The one that everyone is dying for ! Why must it be her ?!? WHY MUST IT BE HER THAT IM FALLING IN LOVE WITH !!" Yuri slid down on her back and buried herself on her legs.

Jessica on the other side mentally facepalm herself for not realizing Yuri's feelings. She walked towards Yuri and kneel down beside her. "Yuri ah." Yuri looked up in a flash. "S-sica..." Yuri quickly wiped her tears.

"Yuri ah." Jessica called her again. Yuri stood up and Jessica followed her action. "We should go back to class." Yuri wanted to walk but Jessica grab her waist and pushed her to the locker , trapping the taller girl in between her. "So that's why ?" Jessica asked calmly. Yuri who couldn't even move an inch in their position , furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"You're in love with me." Jessica still remain the eye contact. Yuri sighed and closed her eyes. She made up her mind and opened her eyes again. She grabbed both of Jessica's arm on each of her side and reverse their position. Yuri wrap one of her arm around Jessica's waist and the other one right beside her head and leaned in. She smirked as Jessica inhaled sharply by their closeness.

"Sigh... I would always dare to do this to other girls but why couldn't i do this to u ?" Yuri laughed. "I'm so weak when it comes to u." Yuri smiled charmingly. Yuri let's out her confidence. "What r u going to do if I really am in love with u then ?" Yuri asked the frozen girl in front of her.

Not receiving any answer she continued her talk. "Let me get this clear Jung Jessica. I love u. I hate it when she kissed u just now. U don't belong to her anymore right ? Why did u even let her kiss u ? Now this should be mine." Yuri points at Jessica's lips.

"I want u. I want u to be my girlfriend. People say , I'm a player. That's not my thing. It's how I show my "kindness". Be mine and mine only please. I'll show u what is eternity love." Yuri kissed the lips that she has been dying for. She smiled as she felt Jessica kissing her back.

Yuri wrap both of her arm around Jessica and Jessica automatically wrap her arms around Yuri's neck. Yuri closed the gap in between them and let their tongues met. Jessica couldn't help but gasped and she felt the wet muscle around her tongue.

The bell suddenly rang but they couldn't care much. They kissed as if the word air does not exist. "Jessica ?!?!?" a loud voice interfere them. "Nice to meet u... Hara shi." Yuri smiled at the mouth opened girl in front of her. Hara walked up to them quickly and was about to slap Yuri but was stopped by Jessica.

"Hara , if u did not realize , I have moved on from u. Meet my girlfriend , Kwon Yuri." Jessica said proudly and pushed Hara's hand away and intertwined her fingers with Yuri. "Sorry Hara but I shouldn't be right ? Tiff told me that u have another girl behind my back. Tsk." Jessica start to walk away with Yuri.

After they reached outside the class , Yuri pulled her back gently. "So it's a yes ?" Yuri leaned down a bit and smiled teasingly. Jessica rolled her eyes but couldn't help to smile while doing that. She tried to get in the class but Yuri stopped her again. "You're mine now so..." Yuri points to her lips.

Jessica shook her head but peck her lips lightly. Yuri grinned and stood normally. Jessica smiled back and they went in the class hand in hand , getting some suspicious glances from others.


heylo guys~ again I'm sorry for the late update :/ selamat hari raya to all Muslims out there ! this book in coming to an end sadly *cries* thankiew so much for reading this book I really appreciate it.

love u guys ! <3

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