still trying everything

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-3 days after, after school-
(a/n- TaeRi have been trying their best to be beside JeTi)

"Fany ah !"
"Sica ah!"

Taeyeon and Yuri shouted across the long hall , receiving attention from everyone. Tiffany and Jessica sigh and mentally face palmed themselves. They turn their backs only to see two girls running towards them with dorky smiles on their face.

Jessica felt like screaming and shout incoherent words to Yuri and people around her right now. Tiffany saw Jessica's red face and she quickly held her hand. "I'm here. I promise nothing will happen to u." Tiffany quickly whispered.

"Hey guys come on !" Taeyeon spoke up after reaching them , slightly panting. Tiffany and Jessica nodded and let go of their hands. Taeyeon and Yuri quickly took their hands and start walking. They reached the car park and send them to their car.

"Have u guys been doing this to other girls too ?" Jessica asked. It came out coldly than expected. Yuri and Taeyeon was shocked for a second. "U-umm not always ?" Yuri answered while rubbing the back of her neck. Taeyeon smacked the back of Yuri's head and sighed while Yuri is squirming in pain.

"We do this to people who we could trust." Taeyeon corrected Yuri. "From all the news people said you're a player. What is trust when there's a player ?" Tiffany rolled her eyes. Taeyeon looked down. "Hey seriously that's not us." Yuri defended.

Tiffany and Jessica scoffed. "We should get to know more about each other." Taeyeon said. "U think ?" Tiffany raised one of her eyebrow. Taeyeon and Yuri nodded vigorously. "How about tonight ?" Yuri asked. Tiffany and Jessica looked at each other , trying to pass signals.

They both winked at each other and went in their car quickly leaving Taeyeon and Yuri dumbfounded. "W-what ?"

Tiffany quickly turn on the engine and drove away from the rich girls. "Taeng come on!" Yuri tapped the shorter girl. They both spurt to their cars with unbelievable speed and quickly got into their own cars. They rev their engine and quickly chased after Tiffany and Jessica.

On the other hand Tiffany and Jessica were laughing their ass off. "I seriously can't believe they won't give up on us." Tiffany laughed out. Jessica nodded and laughed together. Tiffany fasten the speed when she saw two expensive cars on their tail through the rear mirror.

Tiffany took a right turn and they reach their apartment car park. They went of the car and tires screeching were heard. As soon as they wanted to walk Yuri's red preciousness stopped in front of them. Taeyeon stopped behind her. TaeRi went out of the car and grabbed their own girl.

They carried the girls over their shoulder and bring them towards their car while Tiffany and Jessica were trying their best to escape from their grip. TaeRi put the girl in the car and fasten their seatbelt before closing the door shut. They went to the driver seat and quickly drove out before the girls could complain.

Yuri called Taeyeon just as soon as they drive out. "Taenggo mine or yours ?" Yuri asked. "Mine should be better because obviously it is cleaner than yours and it's nearer too. Tiffany can't keep her mouth shut and my ear is ringing." Taeyeon answered chuckling.

Tiffany stopped talking and pout. Yuri laughed and agreed. Yuri and Taeyeon drove to Taeyeon's house with speed that other car's tire to burn or burst. "Your car seems faster than Taeyeon." Jessica's first sentence after keeping quiet from just now.

"Haha my car is faster than hers but the difference is not that much" Yuri smiled proudly. Yuri reached the house and drove up to the gate. The guard who recognize Yuri and Taeyeon's car quickly opened the gate. They both parked and asked JeTi to come out.

Their jaws dropped. Taeyeon's house is probably 10 times bigger than their apartment. "Whose house is this ?" Tiffany asked, still gawking at the house. "Mine." Taeyeon smiled cutely. Tiffany can't help but giggled at Taeyeon's smile.

"Come on !" Taeyeon walked towards her door. She scanned her fingerprint and the door opened automatically. JeTi eyes widened again. They quickly get back in reality and shook their heads. "What makes u think we're gonna listen to u after u kidnap us ?" Tiffany crossed her arm.

"Mr Byun ! Close it !" Taeyeon shouted. Mr Byun quickly closed the gate and locked it securely. "Hmm now would u ?" Taeyeon smirked. Yuri shook her head laughing and went in to take off her shoe. JeTi sighed and looked at each other. Taeyeon who was still waiting patiently for the girls stood there with a hopeful smile on her face.

Tiffany and Jessica went in and copied Yuri's action. Taeyeon smiled again and went in too. She pressed a button and the door closed automatically again. "Damn..." was the only word that JeTi muttered as they observed the house.

"U live here alone Taeyeon?" Tiffany asked. Taeyeon nodded. "U still haven't see Yuri's house. It's bigger than mine." Taeyeon said. "Bigger than this big house ?" Tiffany eyes went wide. "Haha yeap. It's because she loves to party and her house is suitable for parties while I love peace. Which is why I chose this house." Taeyeon answered.

"Come on ! I wanna show u something ! Yul u know my house so go around with Jessica." Taeyeon held Tiffany's hand and pulled her to the swimming pool.

Tiffany squealed as soon as they reached there. "Oh my god this is so pretty." Tiffany looked around. "Not as pretty as u." Taeyeon admitted. Tiffany felt her cheeks getting hot and looked down shyly. Taeyeon went in front of Tiffany and raise her chin

"You're beautiful Fany ah." Taeyeon said truthfully. Tiffany looked at her eyes. Taeyeon went closer and Tiffany felt herself not stepping back. Tiffany closed her eyes and get prepared for Taeyeon's action.


nyehehe im leaving u guys hanging~~~ sorry for not updating🙏

what do u guys think ? will Taeyeon kiss her ?

btw the pic is Taeyeon house for this fanfic. Thankiew for reading !🙆💕

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