number please

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"Why would u want my number ?" Tiffany raised one of her eyebrow. "Fany ah please~ We've been friends for like a week and we're partners in this project !" Taeyeon reasoned out. Tiffany sighed. She didn't really want to give but what could she do ? What Taeyeon said was correct. They're still partners.

"Fine here u go~" Tiffany sighed after she took Taeyeon's phone and typed her number in. Taeyeon grinned like an idiot and leaned in to peck her left cheek. "Thankiew~" Taeyeon smiled dorkily. "Yah Kim Taeyeon !" Tiffany rubbed her cheeks quickly.

"Yah Kim Taeyeon !" another voice came out. A very icy pitch. Yeap. HellSica appears. "Don't u ever do that again." Jessica pulled her best friend and start walking. "Yul ! I got her number! Woohoo !!" Taeyeon jumped like a kid and celebrate dorkily by herself. "Lucky u ! I can't seem to melt the ice princess. I've tried everything Taeng." Yuri looked down.

"Hey Yul don't give up ! You're the one and only Kwon Yuri. No one ever rejected u before." Taeyeon pat her best friend's back. "Come on let's go home ! It's Friday , isn't it your work out day ?" Taeyeon reminded her best friend.

"Ohh yeah ! Thanks for reminding me ! Yass gym !" Yuri jogged to the car park. "Bye Yul !" Taeyeon waved as she unlocked her car. "Bye Taeng !" Yuri waved back and they drove home.


She skipped in her house and removed her shoe before going to the pool side. She sighed as she got lost in thoughts. "I was so close... Will she accept me though ? How could my feelings develop so fast ?" She mumbled to herself as she scratched her head. She took out her phone and message the eye smile girl.

To Tiffany

SuperTaeng here ! Had a safe trip home ?

--Tiffany&Jessica house--

"Tiff seriously... She kissed u." Jessica said in disbelief. "Yah ! Yuri kissed u too ! Why can't Taeyeon kiss me ?" Tiffany blurt out without thinking. "W-why can't Taeyeon kiss u ? Did I hear it right ?" Jessica noticed her flush cheeks.


From Unknown

SuperTaeng here ! Had a safe trip home ?"

Tiffany unconsciously smiled at the message. "Who's that ?" Jessica stood up to go to her room. "Someone." Tiffany whispered. Jessica sighed and went in her room.

To Taeyeon

Yea I did ! Thanks for the concern ? Haha SuperTaeng huh ?


Tiffany pov

Help me ! I'm seriously confused right now. Did I seriously just fell for her ? Unbelievable ! Oh my god !!" Tiffany rubbed her head.

-end of pov-

Taeyeon grinned after receiving a reply. She went in her house and unlocked her phone before she plopped on the sofa.

To Tiffany

Of course I'm SuperTaeng ! don't underestimate my super power woman !


Tiffany laughed and face palmed herself after reading the stupid but dorky text from Taeyeon.

To Taeyeon

whatever dork ! what could u do anyways =P


To Tiffany

Something u will discover one day =)


To Taeyeon

Confused but why should I care right ? xD


To Tiffany



"Sigh... Fany ah... Why are u making me feel like this ? But most importantly... Why am I even feeling like this ???" Taeyeon hit hit her head a couple of times , trying to get her brain to think properly.

Little did she know that her brain is functioning and she really fell for a girl named Tiffany Hwang.

To Tiffany

Hwang ! Do u want to go out tonight ? Yul is going to work out later till evening so I'm alone :(


To Taeyeon

psh The Kim Taeyeon doesn't have any friends ? unbelievable XD well I gotta go check with Jessi if we're planning anything


To Tiffany

Get up from that couch and go to her room lazy bum ! ask her now~~ :(


Tiffany eyes widened.

To Taeyeon

that is so creepy Taeyeon... how the hell do u know that I'm on the couch ?!? stalker !!


Taeyeon giggled. How did she even know that Tiffany was on the couch ? She slapped herself for being so stupid. "Good job Taeyeon ! u just made yourself looked stupid !"

To Tiffany

I'm just guessing~ well I'm on the couch so I thought maybe u are too hehe =D


To Taeyeon

ohh... I got called 'lazy bum' by someone who plopped on her giant comfy couch too... we are the same babo =P

I'll go ask Sica now !


To Tiffany

how could I be a babo if I'm mostly first in class :P and I'm waiting =)


Tiffany went to Jessica's room and opened harshly. Jessica yelped and buried herself under the sheets of her blankets. "Tiff ! What the hell ! Do u know something called knocking ?!?" Jessica said slightly panting.

"Jess why are u naked on the bed...? and why are u panting...?" Tiffany stared at her with wide eyes. Her thoughts went wild. Jessica...
On the bed...

There must be one thing only. "Yah Jess-!" "I wasn't masturbating !!" Jessica cut Tiffany quickly. She blushed and sit in sitting position with her hand supporting the blanket which is covering her up to her chest only.

"Yea sure... I was just wondering if we're going to go out today." Tiffany eyed her body closely. "Well u could go ou- Tiffany Hwang !! Stop staring oh my gosh!" Jessica covered herself till her neck. Tiffany blushed and tried to come out with something but she was tongue tied.

"As I was saying , u could go out if u want to. I don't have any plans planned to go out with u." Tiffany nodded and went out of the room , not forgetting to close the door.

To Taeyeon

Okay we could ! Jess doesn't have anything to do so let's go =)


To Tiffany

Great ! I'll pick u up at 7 okay ? See ya ! =D



hey guys ! sorry for the late update ! hope u like this book =)

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