Shy Tiffany(2)

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"Why isn't there anyone here Tae ?" Tiffany looked around the emptiness in the park except. Taeyeon only laughed and didn't answer the latter. "Come here I don't wanna lose u." Taeyeon whined and grabbed her hand. She intertwined it almost immediately making Tiffany blush again. "Tae seriously though... Why isn't there anyone ?" Tiffany sway their hands slowly. "I rented this whole place for us." Taeyeon looked at Tiffany before focusing at the front again.

"Woah Taeyeon ! Seriously ?!?" Tiffany exclaimed as she close her mouth in disbelief and stopped walking. Taeyeon laughed and tug her arm , asking her to walk. "Tae why did u do that ? U must have used a lot of money." Tiffany pout. Taeyeon looked at Tiffany and giggled. As much as she wants to kiss her right now , she still haven't claim Tiffany as hers.

They went up the tower and to the restaurant N Grill. "Oh my gosh look at the view !" Tiffany squealed. Taeyeon released their hands and Tiffany went closer and closer to the beyond amazing view in front of her while Taeyeon whispered something to the manager of that place.

The manager smiled in awe at how sweet Taeyeon is. Tiffany looked back only to see Taeyeon and the manager smiling to each other while the manager taps Taeyeon's cheek lightly. She felt her heart fell but soon raised up when Taeyeon came to her. "Beautiful~ come here~" Taeyeon pulled the eye smiling girl to their table and pulled out the chair for Tiffany. They sat down opposite each other and Tiffany voiced out.

"Who is she ?" Tiffany spat. "Who ? Victoria unnie ?" Taeyeon asked. "Wow u even know her name. Why didn't u ask her out instead ?" Tiffany fold her arms and sighed as she look out at the view. Taeyeon kept quiet for a while until she realize what Tiffany is referring to.

"Why would I ask my cousin over a beautiful date in front of me ?" Taeyeon smirked. Tiffany turned her head back to Taeyeon. "Cousin ? Ohh..." Tiffany scratched her nape. Taeyeon laughed at the blushing girl in front of her and asked a worker to give them the menu. Tiffany covered her face in embarrassment.

Taeyeon stretched forward and brought Tiffany's hands down. "Don't cover yourself beautiful." Taeyeon kissed her nose lightly. Tiffany became red almost for the 100th time already. Taeyeon sat back down comfortably as the waiter gave them the menu.

They ordered and got lost into the view again. "Fany ah it's illegal." Taeyeon suddenly said and looked at the brown haired girl. Tiffany got shocked and looked at Taeyeon. "W-what do u mean...?" Tiffany clenched her fist under the table , getting ready for what's coming to her.

"It's so illegal to be that pretty Fany ! I mean seriously I have never seen anyone prettier than u." Taeyeon boosted while holding her chin and observing Tiffany. Tiffany sighed in relief and blush again. "Fany ah~ I'm pretty sure I broke a record." Taeyeon tapped her chin , making her look like she's thinking. "What now ?" Tiffany asked , trying to recover from the earlier shock.

"I make u blush for the nth time already." Taeyeon laughed out. Tiffany face palmed herself and felt really hot. She start to fan herself and to her luck , the food came and they tucked in. "This is so good ! U want some ?" Tiffany said excitingly. She took a meat on her fork and put it in front of Taeyeon's mouth. Taeyeon opened her mouth happily and ate the meat.

She muttered a thank u and offered her chicken to Tiffany which the latter gladly opened her mouth too. They finished eating and looked at each other in silence. "Ohh yeah ! Wait here !" Taeyeon got up and jogged to the counter. Suddenly the lights went out and Tiffany froze.

"Fany ah~ Relax I'm still here." Taeyeon whispered and the light came on but only on Taeyeon and Tiffany. Taeyeon with her petite body with a guitar on her , smiled sweetly at Tiffany.

"Listen to this song properly okay and I'm the guy in this relationship I mean umm just hear this song." Taeyeon trailed off. Taeyeon started to strum the guitars softly.

(a/n: listen to Alone In Love by Seung Gi and watched with the eng sub to understand what am I relating about.)

Taeyeon put the guitar down and pulled the mic from the mic stand. "Shall we date ?~~" Taeyeon ended the song while leaning her forehead on Tiffany's. Tiffany bit her lip and smiled that could light up the whole room. She grabbed Taeyeon by her neck and pressed her lips on her. Taeyeon smiled into the kiss and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Is that a yes ?" Taeyeon asked after they pull back after the short kiss. "Of course Kim Taeyeon." Tiffany blushed. Taeyeon let go of her and danced around the restaurant dorkily when Victoria unnie switch on all the lights with congratulation signs everywhere. "WOOHOO!!!" Taeyeon ran around the restaurant. "UNNIE SHE SAID YES OH MY GOD I GOT A YES!!" Taeyeon shook her cousin.

Victoria could only laugh at her dorky cousin and they shared a hug. Victoria looked at Tiffany and gave a thumbs up after smiling at her which Tiffany smiled back.

Taeyeon run back to Tiffany and picked her up , spinning her around. "I will take care of u forever Tiffany !!" Taeyeon smiled. Tiffany smacked her shoulder multiple times while laughing uncontrollably. Taeyeon stopped and put her down. "Thank u. Thank u so much." Taeyeon cupped her cheeks. Tiffany blushed again.


nyehehe yay TaeNy ! YulSic coming in soon guys ! thankiew for reading !

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