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Taeyeon and Yuri walked pass the hallway to their class with fans crowded around them. Taeyeon will smile to the girls and boys once in a while. Yuri on the other hand kept on grazing on girls waist , smirking , while walking pass them making the girls weak under her touch.

Jessica pov

"Fany ah they're here." I called her and she rushed to sit beside me. "I'm not going to let that Yuri girl or Taeyeon sit beside u." Tiffany said while folding her arms.

I smiled at her childishness and kissed her cheek. I loved Tiffany as much as I loved my younger sister , Krystal. Tiffany has been there for me since we were 5 years old. We basically grew up with each other like sisters.

Tiffany smiled back and took out her stationery as the popular TaeRi came in. I cross my finger hoping nothing will happen to the clumsy Fany. But of course all of her pencil case dropped. I mentally face palmed myself and get ready to stand up to help her but something stopped me.

End of pov

Taeyeon stopped on her track and bend down. Tiffany quickly reach out for her stationeries and put it back inside her pencil case with Taeyeon's help. There was one pen left and they both reached it the same time. They instantly looked up and made eye contact.

Tiffany froze. She never really admired Taeyeon or see her up close even though they're classmates. "Clumsy huh ? Cute." Taeyeon flashed her smile. Yuri scoffed and walked to her place , ignoring Taeyeon.

They both stood up . "Thanks ." Tiffany flashed her eye smile making Taeyeon taken aback. "What's your name beautiful ?" Taeyeon held out her hand. Tiffany hesitated but accept the handshake anyway. "Tiffany."

Taeyeon smiled and kissed Tiffany's knuckle. Taeyeon was surprised that Tiffany didn't blush or fan girl but instead she received a friendly smile by her.

It was the first for Taeyeon. All of the girls and guys could be swoon by her even with her voice. Just as Taeyeon wanted to create another conversation , their teacher Mr Lee went in. Tiffany pulled back her hand and bowed lightly to Taeyeon as she sat down.

Taeyeon went to her seat with a sad face. Yuri grinned , knowing that her best friend's action just got rejected. "Aww she didn't faint ?" Yuri teased as she pinched Taeyeon's cheek after the girl sat down.

"Just wait and see Tiffany..." Taeyeon whispered under her breath but unfortunately Yuri heard it. "Hey Taenggo ah~ She's one of the top 3 in class. She's smart. You're smart. She looks like the one who doesn't fall for a player easily while you're one of it." Yuri tapped her back still grinning.

"I'm not a player ! U know me !" Taeyeon whined. "Yeah yeah~ you're just being "nice" ." Yuri said sarcastically. "Now let's listen to your favourite class right now." Yuri coaxed the pouting girl.


"What the hell was that Tiff ??" Jessica frowned at her best friend. "What ?" Tiffany asked cluelessly. "U just let the player know your name !" Jessica's totally not happy. "Jess she's our classmate and I won't let her do anything to me okay ?" Tiffany promised her best friend. Jessica sighed and focus back on their Science class.

"Okay class ! I have a pair project coming up !" Mr Lee announced. Jessica looked at Tiffany and vice versa while Yuri looked at Taeyeon and vice versa. Both pairs has been the best pairs since starting of semester. "But ! Sorry to disappoint u ! I'm the one who's going to choose this time... By your results !" Mr Lee added.

Everyone started to whine and complain. Taeyeon and Yuri was still happy since both of them are top 3 in class but Tiffany and Jessica felt their hope shattered. Tiffany is always the top 3 while Jessica is either 4th , 5th or 6th.

"By your latest exam the highest marks of 95/100 is by the one and only Kim Taeyeon !" Mr Lee said enthusiastically. Taeyeon smirked and stood up confidently. Fan girls and boys started to whistle and whooping while clapping as Taeng stand up.

"And your partner is with the 2nd highest marks of 92/100... Tiffany Hwang !"

Tiffany jaw dropped open. Not because of her impressive marks that she was used to. It was because her partner is Kim Taeyeon. That means they're going to spent a lot of time together.

Jessica poked her thigh and Tiffany stood quickly. Their classmates clapped for her and some boys whooped. Taeyeon walked to Tiffany and held out her hand. "Hope we could be great partners." Taeyeon smiled and winked after kissing her knuckle again.

Tiffany giggled at her dorky side and shook her hand. "Sure." Tiffany smiled back.

"Okay ! The second pair ! The 3rd place in class is last but not least is the Kwon Yuri with 89/100 !"

Yuri stood up with her charming smile on her face. As usual the fan girls and boys cheered crazily.

"The lucky one to be partnered up with Yuri is a girl..." Boys start to groan in disappointment. Yuri laughed. "Study harder boys." The boys nodded. " With 88/100 , Jessica Jung !"

Jessica sighed. This is the first time she's mad at her results not because that she's the 4th it's because of Yuri. Now the thing she hate the most. Attention.

She stood up reluctantly and Yuri walked over to her. "I'm Yuri nice to meet u hope we could be friends." Yuri said friendly and held out her hand. "I'm Jessica nice to meet u too and yeah sure." Jessica smiled even though she hates the attention that people are giving them right now and accept the hand shake.

Yuri was captivated by her beauty. She pulled Jessica's hand and Jessica fall into her arms. Yuri instantly wrap her arms around her slender waist and kissed her cheek.

Jessica pulled back really shock and quickly went back to her seat. "Yah Yuri ! I didn't even kiss Tiffany!... Yet !" Taeyeon shouted across the room which made everyone laughed and Tiffany to froze.

"U kissed her hand !" Yuri fought back. Everyone laughed at their childish fight even Mr Lee.

"Not her face !" Taeyeon laughed her well known ahjumma laugh while fighting back. Yuri went back her place and held Taeyeon in a headlock. "Midget one more word from u you're dead." Yuri threatened.

"Okay girls ! Break it ~ Now the next pair !" Mr Lee said while laughing.

"I'm gonna beat u to it !" They both said simultaneously, loud enough for the whole class to hear them. JeTi on the other side was blushing furiously on the embarrassment that just happened to them.

hey guys~ sorry got carried away writing this chapter😅 spread this book around yeah ? thankiew💕

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