Shy Tiffany(1)

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*ring ring*

Tiffany ran across the room and pick up the phone after wrapping herself quickly with a towel when she got out of the bathroom. "Yoboseyo ?" Tiffany went back in the toilet and continue brushing her teeth. "Fany ah !" a small but excited voice came out from the other line.

"Oh Taeyeon ?" Tiffany eyes widened. She begged the god hopefully that Taeyeon hasn't reached yet. "Hehe yea it's me. By the way Fany , I have reserved a restaurant at the Namsan Tower." Taeyeon smiled dorkily. "Which restaurant ?" Tiffany asked by the unexpected decision by Taeyeon. "Hehe you'll see later~ I'm gonna be there around 40 mins ! See u soon beautiful!" Taeyeon slyly added with a grin.

Tiffany felt her cheeks getting hot. "S-see ya!" and they ended the call. Tiffany rinse her mouth and look at herself in the mirror. "Tiffany Hwang... What the hell happened to u stupid ! I'm falling for her... No that's not it... I fell for her." Tiffany talked to herself. She slapped both of her cheeks and went out of the room. "This can't do ! I can't wear this !" Tiffany looked at the casual long sleeved t shirt and skinny jeans in front of her.

"Jessica !!" Tiffany walked out of her room while drying her hair with her towel. "What Hwang ?!?" Jessica came out of her room with messy hair and half close eyes. Tiffany rolled her eyes at the sleepy girl in front of her and pulled her in her room. "I don't know what to wear." Tiffany said bluntly. "Then what's this ?" Jessica pointed to the casual clothes.

"I can't wear this ! I'm going out with Tae- I mean I'm going to a restaurant." Tiffany recover herself quickly. "Restaurant ? With who ?" Jessica stretched herself. "Umm... umm... Taeyeon." Tiffany mumbled. "Taeyeon ? Kim Taeyeon ? That Kim Taeyeon ?" Jessica stared at her best friend with wide eyes. Tiffany sighed. "Yes... That Kim Taeyeon. Now could u help me please." Tiffany shook Jessica by her shoulders.

"Fine , fine ! Well if it's a date u-" "It's not a date" Tiffany quickly interrupt. Jessica rolled her eyes. "Just pick that black dress that u wore for Hara's birthday party last time." Jessica points out. Tiffany cringed at Hara's name but she decide to ignore it. "It's going to be chilly !" Tiffany whined. "If Taeng is a gentleman she's going to have something to make u warm. If u guys date , I'm pretty sure she plays the 'guy' role." Jessica ushered her to change into the dress.

Tiffany sighed and followed what Jessica asked her to do. Jessica sat on the bed while waiting for Tiffany to get ready. Tiffany get out of the toilet and Jessica grinned. "I volunteer to do your make up !" Jessica quickly said. She pulled Tiffany's hand and sat her down in front of the mirror table. She applied not too heavy but not too light on Tiffany and she became perfect.

"I'm happy you've moved on sis." Jessica hug her from the back as she smiled , looking at her perfect work. Tiffany smiled back and stood up. As in on cue Tiffany phone rang. She smile at the ID and pick it up. "I'm here Fany ah !" Tiffany giggled and asked her to give her a minute which Taeyeon gave her almost immediately. They end the call and Tiffany grabbed her purse and wore her flats.

"Have fun and take care sis. If she ever do any stupid things , tell me. I won't hesitate to beat her up." Jessica kissed her cheeks and wave her goodbye. Tiffany gave a last smile and went down to the car park where Taeyeon and her amazing car is waiting. Taeyeon saw Tiffany went out from the lift and she quickly went out but her jaw dropped instantly.

Tiffany looked like an angel walking towards her. She swallowed her saliva and gave a charming smile to the eye smiling girl in front of her. "Hey... U look beautiful Fany ah~" Taeyeon leaned on her car. Tiffany blushed. "Thank u...U don't look too bad yourself." Tiffany smiled. Taeyeon is wearing a fit tight button up that shows off her muscle and abs with black skinny jeans and black high cut converse.

"Thanks." Taeyeon smiled and opened the door for Tiffany which Tiffany gladly get in. Taeyeon got in the driver seat and drove out of the car park. "T-Taeyeon... I-is this a d-date ? I mean we're dressed up and we're going to a restaurant." Tiffany fiddled with her fingers. Taeyeon smiled , showing her chin dimple and looked at Tiffany when the traffic light went red. Tiffany sensed that Taeyeon was looking at her and looked to her side. Taeyeon winked and the green light went on again which Taeyeon continue to focus on the road. While on the other side , the latter became a blushing mess.

Tiffany pov

Yeap Tiffany... U fell for her...

-end of pov-

"We're here princess Tiff." Taeyeon parked. Tiffany blush once again and muttered a small okay. Tiffany was about to open the door when Taeyeon grabbed her hand which is on the door handle. Tiffany turned her head and she gasped. Their face were just inches away. "Wait here..." Taeyeon whispered and get out of her car. She opened the door for Tiffany and held out her hand. Tiffany took it and went out but only to be greeted with cold breeze which makes her shiver a little.

"Hey... U okay ? You're so red." Taeyeon cupped her right cheek. "It's n-nothing. I'm fine hehe." Tiffany nervously answer back as she enjoyed the heat Taeyeon is giving through the contact. Tiffany smiled and Taeyeon reached out something from the car. "Wear this." Taeyeon smiled. Taeyeon slide her jacket around Tiffany shoulder and smiled.

Tiffany take a deep breath and tried so hard to keep calm in breathing. She could smell Taeyeon's strong perfume. "Should we go ?" Taeyeon locked her door. Tiffany nodded and they started walking.


hey guys I'm separating this into two parts hehe. I'll update most probably tomorrow. thankiew for reading !

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