super power

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-3 years later-

"Hey Fany ah !" Taeyeon run to the younger girl and back hugged her even before she could turn around.  Tiffany giggled and stumbled a little bit. "Taeyeon ah u miss me that much ?" Tiffany turned around with Taeyeon's arm still around her. Taeyeon grinned like a kid and nod vigorously. Tiffany laughed and peck her lips.

"Fany ah , do u remember what did I say when we chat after I got your number 3 years ago ?" Taeyeon shift Tiffany's fringe. Tiffany thought for a while until she remembered. "SuperTaeng ?" Tiffany asked hesitantly.

Taeyeon smiled , showing her dimpled chin and Tiffany sigh in relief after knowing that she got the right answer. "U didn't figure out my super power." Tiffany nodded , asking Taeyeon to continue. "My power is my love for u." Taeyeon smiled dorkily. Tiffany laughed and poke Taeyeon's forehead. "Dork." Tiffany smiled and kissed Taeyeon.

"Okay guys ! Break it up already !" Yuri's voice sound out. They broke their kiss and look at where the voice came. Yuri smiled and pulled Jessica with her. "Hey guys ! We miss-umph !" Jessica couldn't even finish her sentence when they both were crash into a group hug by TaeNy.

"When did u come back ?!?" Tiffany cupped her best friend face and touch her body as if to check if she was dreaming. "Tiff our husbands are watching ! Behave yourself ! It's not a dream." Jessica laughed while changing language , thinking that Yuri and Taeyeon won't understand.

Tiffany laughed too and kissed Jessica's cheek. "As she said , your husband is watching." Taeyeon speak fluently after folding her arm , making Tiffany and Jessica jaw drop. "Baby come here." It was Yuri's turn to speak in English. Jessica timidly went to Yuri and Tiffany awkwardly went to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon and Yuri looked at each other and smirked before nodding. "As u know we are the heirs of our families and we both have our own business" Taeyeon start to explain. "To make sure there's no language barrier, we learnt English" Yuri continued. "Yea like 6 years ago." Taeyeon laughed.

"Okay okay this is scary let's just talk in Korean" Jessica looked at both of them in disbelief. Tiffany agreed. "So how was Canada ?" Taeyeon took Tiffany's hand and they all walked to the nearest cafe. Yuri held Jessica's hand and followed. " It was great. Jess screamed my name at least every night though." Yuri smirked and Jessica glared at her.

Yuri laughed and kissed Jessica's temple. TaeNy laughed and the waiter came. "Same here Tiff doesn't like me teasing so she begs." Taeyeon smirked and Tiffany smacked her arm making Taeyeon pout. "Hey what could I get for u beautiful girls ?" The guy took out his note pad and showed his smile. He looked down to Jessica and bit his lips after seeing a full view of her cleavage.

Yuri who saw everything stood up and sat on Jessica's lap , earning a low disappointed groan from the boy because she covered his 'view'. Yuri said their orders and the guy walked away. Yuri stared daggers at the guy's back and even took notice that his 'buddy' stood up.

She's fucking mine.

Yuri got to her seat and kept quiet. Jessica wanted to ask but Tiffany kicked her leg softly , signaling not to. Jessica looked at Taeyeon for an answer and Taeyeon shook her head slowly. TaeNy witnessed all of it too. Jessica sighed and leaned back on her chair. Just as about she wanted to take out her phone the pervert waiter came back again.

Yuri grabbed Jessica's neck and and crashed her lips on hers. Jessica , who still oblivious of the pervert didn't know what to do but just kissed her back. "What ? You're not straight ? What a waste." The waiter spat. Taeyeon stood up and followed by Yuri. Just as Taeyeon wanted to launch at the guy , Tiffany held her back and kissed her lips to calm her down. "What u too ? Another waste of a sexy body." The guy shook his head.

Yuri walked to him and fold her arms confidently. "Do u know what's a waste ?" Yuri asked. That guy shrugged his shoulder. "U not having kids." Yuri smiled. "What ?" The guy asked confused. Yuri kicked him really hard on the shin and he crumbled down with tears in his eyes.

"Let's go." Yuri took her drink and Jessica and walked away. Taeyeon  stood up and kicked his stomach. "That's for calling my girlfriend sexy. U want to know something better ? No matter how hard I fuck her , she will still be tight as a virgin. And for your future wife , good luck having kids with your swollen small dick." Taeyeon spat and Tiffany blushed. Taeyeon kicked his shin again and the guy knocked out.

She followed Yuri's action. Jessica and Tiffany just silently followed the girlfriend. It was the first time seeing them this mad after years.
"TaeTae..." Tiffany pulled her girlfriend into a back hug. Tiffany smiled as she felt Taeyeon calming down and rest her back on her. "He's just a jerk. Don't worry too much because I will forever be yours." Tiffany stroked Taeyeon's arm which is resting on top of hers.

On the other hand Yuri kept on walking until Jessica , with all her force , stopped in her track. "Seobang..." Yuri stopped too. Jessica softly turn her around and walked towards her , resting her head on her chest and wrap her arms around her small waist. "What he says doesn't matter because I know that we will stay together till the end." Jessica whispered.

Yuri sighed and wrap her arms around Jessica. "I'm sorry that I was too sensitive." Yuri kissed the top of Jessica's head. "I love u. I love u so much." Yuri hugged her tighter. Jessica smiled. "I love u too." Jessica pulled back a little bit and pressed her lips on her Seobang.

Taeyeon turned around. "I'm sorry..." Taeyeon looked down. Tiffany kissed her forehead to make her look up. "I love u , u know that right ?" Tiffany caressed her cheek. Taeyeon nodded and smile gently. "I love too Steph... I love u to infinity." Taeyeon lean towards her and crashed her lips onto her wife's lips.



oh my gosh I can't believe I finished this book. I really felt like giving up before this chapter haha thanks to all of u who encourage my last boost to finish this! guys ! comment down below for which couple for my next book please ! I'll be doing the ones that I am willing to write !


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