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"Taetae stop~~" Tiffany whined as Taeyeon kept on giving kisses all over her neck and shoulder. "I want them to know that you're mine." Taeyeon pout. "I should be the one saying that ! The girls and guys drool and beg for your touch." Tiffany retorted. Taeyeon became really clingy after Tiffany got asked out by one of their classmate which Tiffany didn't even have the time to reject.

The moment that guy asked her , she find herself being pulled into an embrace and Taeyeon pressing her lips on hers. "Gosh Taeng..." Yuri mumbled under her breath. Jessica looked up from her food and smiled at Yuri who has been embarrassed of her best friend since just now. Yuri looked at Jessica and smiled back after finding herself blushing really badly.

"Hey baby ! I missed u !" Someone came behind Jessica and pulled her up and into a hug. Jessica took a breath and she froze after smelling the familiar perfume. The girl opposite of her leaned back a bit and placed her lips on Jessica's. Jessica who can't even respond at what's happening from just now just stood frozen with wide eyes.

Jessica got into her right mind and pushed the girl quickly. "Hara..." Jessica stepped back. Hara smiled and took Jessica in her arms again after taking a step forward. "It's me baby~" Hara kissed her cheek. Jessica was lost in words. "Let go of her. Right. Now." Tiffany stood up with gritted teeth. "Fany unnie ! Wow you're getting prettier and prettier." Hara observe her. "Don't make me repeat twice." Tiffany clenched her fist.

Jessica looked at her best friend with pleading eyes. Jessica took a glance at Taeyeon's shocked face and at a quiet Yuri who is looking down at her food. "Gosh u are so irritating !" Tiffany exclaimed. She went to them and pry Jessica out of Hara's hold.

"Why did u comeback Hara ?!?" Tiffany huffed and folded her arms. "Hmm... To see my Jessica ?" Hara smirked. "She's not yours anymore ! U freaking left her 3 years ago !!" Tiffany screamed at her face. "Babe..." Taeyeon stood up and grabbed Tiffany's arm.

Everyone is giving them their attention. "I'm going to be schooling here and Jessica is still mine. We didn't talk about breaking up." "We didn't talked at all Hara !" Jessica burst out. Suddenly the bell rang. "I have to go to the principal office. See u later babe." Hara stole a peck on Jessica's lips and jog away.

Tiffany tears threatened to flow as her anger took over her. Taeyeon pulled her girlfriend into a hug and Tiffany broke down on her shoulders. Yuri stood up and left for class without sparing a word or glance to them.

Jessica felt her eyes getting watery every second and she left the cafeteria , wiping her tears. She went to the nearest restroom and cleaned herself. The door was suddenly opened harshly and there reveal a tall girl. "Y-yuri..." Yuri looked at Jessica and Jessica was shocked.

Yuri's eyes wasn't happy anymore. Her bloodshot red eyes looked through Jessica's eyes. "Why are u crying ?" Jessica took a step forward and wiped her tears with her hands. "Don't..." Yuri growled lowly and put Jessica's hand away from her face. "It's going to be hard if u do this." and with that Yuri left.

Jessica ran her hand through her hair and think deep. "What dafuq does that means!!!!" Jessica's voice echoed the soundproof restroom.

omg this is such a bad update I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry I didn't update for like a week. I was busy with some activities in school. I sincerely apologize. So guys ! HaraSic or YulSic ?

This is a short update I promise the next one going to be the longest of any other chapter. Thankiew ! love u !❤️ I'm still sorry :/

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