doing everything they could

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"I seriously can't believe it !!!" Tiffany huffed out when she reached their table. The others looked at her confused until they saw Jessica walked with a unhappy face too. "Ohh partners ?" Sooyoung asked as she took another bite of her fries.

Tiffany nodded and buried her face on her palm. Jessica sat beside Tiffany and followed her actions. "U guys not getting lunch ?" Nicole spoke up. "No appetite." Jessica and Tiffany said at the same time.

Suddenly the canteen became noisy. "Ugh they're here aren't they ?" Tiffany said full of disappointment. "Yea... and heads up because they're coming towards here." Sooyoung warned as she took a big bite of her hamburger.

"Wipe your mouth Choi shikshin !" Jessica said coldly. Sooyoung stick out her tongue but she wiped it anyway. "Fany ah~" Tiffany turned around and smiled , hiding her disappointment. Taeyeon smiled back. "Sica~" Yuri whined. Jessica cringe but turned around with a small smile.

"Do u mind joining us ?" Taeyeon asked. JeTi hesitated and looked at their friends for help. "Yea u guys should go." Nickhun and Wooyoung appeared. Jessica shoot death glares at Nickhun while Tiffany mentally face palmed herself.

Nickhun felt small under the ice princess stare and let out a small "What ?"

"Okay cool ! " Taeyeon took Tiffany's hand. Yuri rolled her eyes at Tae and took Jessica by her waist. Jessica eyes was wide open. "Hey don't worry . I'm not gonna rape u or something." Yuri teased after seeing a tensed Jessica.

Jessica turned red at the word rape. She walked with Yuri's arms around her. She sensed all eyes on her and she didn't like it one bit. Taeyeon smirked after pulling a chair out for Tiffany to sit. "Seems like u love her waist Yul." Taeyeon grinned evilly.

Tiffany raised one eyebrow at Jessica when she sat sat down at the chair Yuri pulled out. Jessica looked at Tiffany and shrugged her shoulders. "Shut up Taeng." Yuri rolled her eyes and took her seat.

"Oh yeah by the way this is Seohyun the keroro , Yoona the alligator and Sunny the midget." Taeyeon introduced the other 3 who was there. "Wow Taenggo look who's talking." Sunny scoffed.

"I am taller than u." Taeyeon flip her hair. Everyone laughed. "Fany ah do u want anything to eat ?" Taeyeon turned her attention to Tiffany. Tiffany thought for a while. "U want steak with wine ? I could call my butler" Taeyeon teased. "Ha ha really funny~ I'm okay with anything"

"Sica how about u ?" Yuri asked. "I'm okay with anything too." Yuri nodded and followed Taeyeon to buy some food.

"Hmm seems u guys are lucky." Sunny said nonchalantly. "What ?" Tiffany asked confused. "Getting everyone's attention is lucky ??" Jessica asked in disbelief.

"Haha it's just that they both didn't ever asked anyone to sit with us or even buy food for them. Even if there is someone they bring they will just give their money to buy food." Sunny explained.

Tiffany and Jessica kept quiet. It was dead silence until Yoona broke it. "Hyunnie~ Yoong miss u~" Yoona whined. Sunny smirked, knowing what Yoona will do. "Yoongie I'm right beside u how would u miss me ?" Seohyun turned to Yoona.

Without wasting anytime Yoona pecked her lips. "I miss that." Yoona grinned. "Kid~" Seohyun whispered but smile sweetly at her girlfriend. Tiffany and Jessica froze at what just happened in front of them.

They were used to it since they are from the states but seeing someone do that up close made them taken aback. "Don't mind them. Yoona seriously won't keep her hands to herself." Sunny laughed.

Yoona and Seohyun laughed at JeTi's reaction. Yoona slide her hands around Seohyun's waist and give light kisses around her neck. Jessica and Tiffany avert their attention to somewhere else quickly making Sunny laugh.

"Sorry guys the line was kinda long." Taeyeon and Yuri came back. "Here u go." TaeRi gave JeTi a pack of sandwich each. Jessica and Tiffany smiled after saying thank u.

TaeRi grinned like a 3 year old and they sat down. Yuri started a conversation with Jessica while Taeyeon started a conversation with Tiffany.

"Yoong keep your hands to yourself please! Gosh." Taeyeon said. "Do u believe that Seohyun was really really innocent and quiet last time ?" Taeyeon asked Tiffany. Tiffany think back before she answered. Well Seohyun did accept all the kisses Yoona gave her so she shook her head. Taeyeon chuckled.

"She was like an angel until Yoona was her girlfriend."

"Unnie ! I didn't do anything to Hyunnie !" Yoona retorted. "Yet... U forgot to say yet..." Yuri added grinning. Yoona cross her arms and pout. "Unnies I'm still a virgin so calm down." Seohyun laughed.

Everyone laughed at her statement and Yoona to blush. Seohyun gave a peck at her cheeks and Yoona smiled.

"U guys look sweet together in my opinion." Tiffany said and smiled at the couple. "Me too." Jessica smiled.

Tae & Yul pov

Hmm so they're okay with girl and girl relationships...



sorry i didnt update yesterday. Happy Ramadan guys !

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