normal day

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It was 8 am in the morning and loud banging followed by a voice of a 20 years old tanned girl ringing through Taeyeon's house.

"Get the hell up or I'll pull u up." Yuri threatened as she fold her arms in front of Taeyeon's bed. Taeyeon groaned groggily and sat up. "What the hell Yul ?!" Taeyeon pout. "You're gonna be late stupid." Yuri said nonchalantly as she walked out slowly.

Taeyeon looked at her phone and her eyes almost drop out. It was almost 30 mins until class starts. She rushed up and grabbed all of the stuff she needed and ran into the bathroom.

Yuri went to Taeyeon's living room which is enough for 20 people to sleep at least. Even though the smaller girl live alone , her house is like a mansion. Yuri is no different too.

Yuri crashed on the comfy sofa and rest her eyes. Not too long a fresh Taenggo appeared. "Get up Yul !" Taeng said as she rushed to the kitchen to grab a piece of apple and her car keys.

They both head out and went to their cars which are one of the most expensive car in the world.

Taeyeon: Ferrari F60 America
Yuri: Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 Roadster

(check out these cars for further imagination)

Taeng got in her blue ride while Yul went in her red ride as they rev their engines , catching the attention of the security guard who quickly open the gate for the heirs.

On the other side...

"Sica I swear if u close that beautiful eyes again I'm going to slap your face." Tiffany said seriously after seeing her best friend trying to keep awake. Jessica just nodded and kept her eyes open. Tiffany shook her head and focus back on the road.

JeTi's car- Infiniti Q50(white)

Tiffany and Jessica arrived first as they parked at the car park. Students start to crowd in front of the entrance as they heard JeTi's car.

Tiffany and Jessica are normal girls but with their charms and beautifulness people still drool for them. They didn't like attention most of the times especially Jessica.

They walked out of the car and walked pass the crowd quickly as they tried to not create that much attention. Tiffany grabbed Jessica's hand as she saw her shooting death glares at the people around her and quickly pulled her to their friends.

Not that long as loud engines of TaeRi cars went through the gate and their fans start to make a fuss about their entrance.

Once they stepped out fan girls and boys started to scream their name for attention.

"Woah guys shh~ It's Monday ! Miss us that much through the weekend?" Yuri said well shouted to the large group around them and they answered yes enthusiastically. Yuri giggled and smiled them.

Taeyeon took out her sunglasses and look at a specific girl before approaching her. "Hey pretty who do u like more , me or Yuri ?" Taeyeon smiled at her. The young girl Irene blushed furiously and timidly answer "Of course u !" Taeyeon showed her dorky smile to Irene and fans around her start to groan in jealousy.

"Study hard baby girl ." Taeyeon pinch Irene nose. "Yul looks like I'm in the lead ." Taeyeon said proudly as she looked at Yuri who was just standing there eyeing a target. "Whatever~ let's go now or we're gonna be really late." Yuri rolled her eyes and walked. Taeyeon chuckled and followed her best friend.

Irene on the other side fainted by all the shock and lucky incident that just happened a minute ago.

hey guys I'm back~~
I seriously hope i will write better in this book :( help me spread this book around ! thankiew so much😊

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