1) The Beginning

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Pleasure. Just like pretty much everything in this world, there's a good side, and a bad side. I'm sure you all saw this coming. Every action has its pleasures and its prices. Too much pleasure can become pain, and too much pain can turn into pleasure.

And no one knew that better than the man entering the club of blaring music and blinding lights. No one knew it better than the man weaving through sweaty bodies to go to his usual spot. No one knew it better than the man with the ginger hair and the tattoos lining his left arm. No one knew pleasure and pain better than than Bang Chan himself.

"Well well well, back so soon?" said a boy about 3 years younger than Chan, he had long bright red hair and plump lips, a smirk resting on them.

"Let's just say I've had a shitty day." The man with the tattoos replied taking a drink being offered to him by some people appointed to serving VIPs.

"How is Felix? I haven't seen him." Chan asked and just as the man with long hair was going to answer, the said boy walked right out seating himself beside the red head. Speak of the devil.

"Perfectly well Chris. What brings you back 3 nights in a row?" Felix said leaning back on the sofa opposite Chan and taking a drink.

"What can I say, It's the best club in the city." Chan said taking a sip of his drink.

"Wrong. It's the best damn club the country." Felix said with a smirk and Hyunjin grabbed a drink.

"I can drink to that." He said and took a shot of vodka placed on the table originally ordered for Chan, but he didn't mind. Besides, Felix just ordered more. 

One of Felix's workers came over and whispered something in Felix's ear who nodded, then stood up.

"Tell me if you need anything Chris, I have work." Felix said standing up and Chan nodded in appreciation.

"How are Changbin and Jisung?" Hyunjin asked.

"They're alright. They were working when I left." Chan responded getting another drink.

"I'm surprised you're not working, y'know, being a workaholic and all." Hyunjin said grinning. Him and Chan were a little close since Hyunjin would keep Chan company sometimes whenever he came.

"Like I said, I've had a shitty day." Chan said raising his glass and taking it all in one go.

"No shit. Slow down Chris, I'm not taking you home again." Felix said returning from wherever.

"Didn't you have work?" Chan asked, this time Felix came and sat beside Chan.

"It was just a small thing I had to deal with. Its been dealt with." Felix said. Then Felix smirked and turned to Chan.

"If you want, you could have some real fun?" Felix asked and Chan smirked back to him, he knew exactly what Felix meant. 

"Bring it on Lix." Chan replied and called for some girls, drugs and even harder alcohol.

Yes, drugs. Felix wasn't worried about the feds, he was always careful about this. That and he payed them off to look the other way.

By the end of the night, Chan was high and wasted. So much so that Hyunjin had to take him home. Felix didn't drink or smoke too much since he was still working.

Chan was use to this, taking the pain away with drugs I mean. Being an idol isn't as easy as people would think. And working for a company like his was even worse.

And he had a past. A past that would haunt him for the rest of life and he couldn't do anything about it.

"There you go Chan, be careful though, you're gonna have a killer hangover in the morning." Hyunjin said dropping Chan onto his bed, this whole situation was amusing to him.

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