4) Morning

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Chan dropped Felix home after breakfast, even though he said he'd take a taxi or something. Felix had his own car so he could drive but it was parked at the club since last night.

Felix needed to go to the club since he had work to do there, his head was still throbbing and hurting like a bitch but he had no choice. Also unfortunately the club was not walking distance, not that he wanted to walk anyway.


Hey, can you pick me up, my car is still at the club

Sure, I'm on my way there now, I just need to pick Hyunjin up too.

Why Hyunjin?

He doesn't have his car either. You both left your cars at the club after your shit last night.

Whatever, how long?

5 minutes.

Great, he had to see Hyunjin earlier than he wanted. Dont get him wrong, he loved Hyunjin, he was like the big brother he never had. His best friend through everything.

Its just that his discovery that morning left a distaste to see Hyunjin. I mean how could he sleep with Chan and then tell him to stay away from him. Also he slept with his best friend, Hyunjin should've told him.

Just like Minho said, he was in front of Felix's house in 5 minutes beeping the horn. Felix came out dressed and ready looking amazing as always, and climbed into the back since Hyunjin was at the front.

He contemplated whether or not he should be petty and ignore him, or be the bigger man and ask him. Nah, being petty sounds more fun.

"Morning Lixie." Minho and Hyunjin both said to him but Felix only replied to Minho.

"Morning Min, and its not a good one. My head is about to explode." Felix said groaning and leaning back. Hyunjin decided to ignore how Felix didn't greet him, maybe his head was hurting him too much and he forgot, its fine.

"No one told you to get drunk as fuck yesterday." Minho replied.

"You're the one who decided to supply us with it, imperial vodka nonetheless. Yeah, Jisung told me this morning. I didn't even know we served that shit." Felix said slightly scolding.

"You order it every month to be delivered. Also its not served to everyone, its illegal. Its only for y'know, VIPs and us." Minho said shrugging.

Nothing else was said as 2 out of 3 of them felt sick still. They reached the club and got out, Felix unlocked the doors and walked in turning the lights on. It was a Sunday so employees won't come in until around 1 or 2 o clock and currently it was 11am.

Hyunjin went to turn the rest of the lights on, unlocked rooms and stuff, the usual that je does and Felix continued to glare from where he stood.

Minho went to the back to open the back door from where they should get around 2 deliveries today.

Felix walked around to the bar and got a drink, the other 2 looking at him like he'd grown a second head. They looked at each other then back to their boss who was on his second shot of whiskey.

"Felix, are you insane? You're gonna kill yourself." Minho said going around and taking the alcohol away from him.

Felix had enough. Seeing Hyunjin made him want to gouge his own eyes out. Forget being petty. He had scores to settle. How can Hyunjin just walk around aimlessly and not tell Felix even though they see each other every day.

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