20) The Aftermath

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After Hyunjin's explanation, Chan pulled his phone out to call his best friend. If Hyunjin was in this state, he didn't even want to imagine the mess Changbin would be.

He stood up and left the room to call him. 10 minutes had gone by, and Chan had called Changbin around 23 times. Yeah, he had that type of patience. Changbin didn't pick up once. It seemed he turned his phone off, or he's just ignoring him, which is understandable.

Chan went back to Felix and Hyunjin to see Felix putting a blanket over the red head who was asleep.

"All the crying made him fall asleep." Felix said to Chan, who nodded.

The two walked quietly to Chan's room and closed the door. They didn't want Hyunjin to wake up.

"I can't believe this. This fucking agency." Chan said frustrated as he ran his hands down his face.

Felix grabbed the remote and found the channel that talks about celebrities all the time. And yeah, it was there. How the hell was this still headlining. There was a clear picture of Changbin and some girl kissing in a park. The headlines were something about Changbin dating the girl he loves. Obviously the company must have paid then to put that up.

"Changbin's not picking up and I'm worried. He gets really, dark, when he's sad. I don't even want to imagine how much he's destroying himself right now." Chan said pacing. Felix turned the TV off and stopped Chan in his tracks placing his hands around his waist.

"Worrying isn't going to do anything. Give him some time, he's probably heart broken and knowing Changbin, he probably wants to be alone." Felix said.

"I know. I'll head over though first thing in the morning. Right now, Hyunjin needs us. It doesn't seem like he's in any right state right now." Chan said looking to the door.

"Promise you'll never put me in that state?" Felix asked and Chan smiled caressing his cheeks.

"Never. I promise. I'd probably hurt myself before I ever hurt you, more than I already have, that is." Chan said, kissing Felix's forehead.

"I don't want you hurting yourself either. That would hurt me too." Felix said, pouting, and Chan nodded, pulling Felix to his chest and hugging him.

Felix's head was on Chan's chest as he hugged him, swaying back and forth, Chan kissed the top of his head as they stood. It was completely silent, but no words were needed.

Chan thought about Hyunjin. Why would he come here? He didn't know Felix would be here, meaning he came here just for Chan. Hopefully, that didn't mean what he thought it did.

And little did he know, Felix was thinking the exact same, no matter how hard he tried, he could never forget the mental image of Hyunjin and Chan sleeping together. He had forgiven Hyunjin a long time ago. He knew it was mostly Chan who instigated everything.

But Chan? Chan never mentioned it. Actually, he did, but he never gave an explanation or apologised. He thought he didn't mind, but Hyunjin showing up here made him think differently. Maybe he cared more than he thought he did.

"Felix?" Chan called out. It seemed Felix was lost in his head.

"Yeah?" Felix replied, Chan smiled and kissed him.

"I have a feeling I know what has you so lost in thought. Why is Hyunjin here? Right?" Chan asked. He could see Felix glancing at the door and then back at him, so he put two and two together and figured it out.

"Maybe..." Felix mumbled quietly without looking up at Chan.

"I will do anything and everything to assure you it is not what you're thinking Lix, okay? I promise. Besides, look at the state Hyunjin is in, he's so clearly in love with Changbin." Chan said and Felix couldn't deny that.

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